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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
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View Ref-FileFlock()
Fcntl()                                                              GEMDOS


LONG Fcntl( handle, arg, cmd )
WORD handle;
LONG arg;
WORD cmd;

Function      Fcntl() performs a command on the specified file.

Opcode        260 (0x104)

Availability  This function is available under all MiNT versions
              integrated with MultiTOS.

Parameters    handle specifies the GEMDOS file handle of the file on which
              the operation specified by cmd will affect. arg varies with
              each command cmd. Valid commands are:

              cmd          Meaning

              F_DUPFD      Duplicate the given file handle. Fcntl() will
              (0x0000)     return a file handle in the range arg - 32. If
                           no file handles exist within that range, an
                           error will be returned.

              F_GETFD      Return the inheritance flag for the specified
              (0x0001)     file. A value of 1 indicates that child
                           processes started with Pexec() will inherit
                           this file handle, otherwise a value of 0 is
                           returned. arg is ignored.

              F_SETFD      Set the inheritance flag for the named file.
              (0x0002)     arg specifies if child processes started with
                           Pexec() will inherit the file handle. A value
                           of 0 indicates that they will not. A value of
                           1 indicates that they will. GEMDOS handles 0-5
                           default to a value of 1 whereas other handles
                           default to a value of 0.

              F_GETFL      Return the file descriptor flags for the
              (0x0003)     specified file. These are the same flags passed
                           to Fopen(). arg is ignored.

              F_SETFL      Set the file decriptor flags for the specified
              (0x0004)     file to arg. Only user-modifyable bits are
                           considered. All others should be 0. It is not
                           possible to change a file's read/write mode or
                           sharing modes with this call. Attempts to do
                           this will fail without returning an error code.

              F_GETLK      Test for the presence of a lock on the
              (0x0005)     specified file. arg is a pointer to a FLOCK
                           structure defined as follows:

                           typedef struct flock
                            /* Type of lock
                               0 = Read-only lock
                               1 = Write-only lock
                               2 = Read/Write lock */
                            WORD l_type;
                            /* 0 = offset from beginning of file
                               1 = offset from current position
                               2 = offset from end of file */
                            WORD l_whence;
                            /* Offset to start of lock */
                            LONG l_start;
                            /* Length of lock (0 for rest of file) */
                            LONG l_len;
                            /* Process ID maybe filled in by call */
                            WORD l_pid;
                           } FLOCK;

                           If a prior lock exists which would prevent the
                           specified lock from being applied, the
                           interfering lock is copied into the structure
                           with the process ID of the locking process.
                           Otherwise, Fcntl() returns F_UNLCK (3).

              F_SETLK      Set or remove an advisory lock on the specified
              (0x0006)     file. arg points to a FLOCK structure as
                           defined above. Setting l_type to F_RDLOCK or
                           F_WRLCK will cause a lock to be set. Setting
                           l_type to F_UNLCK wil attempt to remove the
                           specified lock. When locking and unlocking
                           FIFO's, l_whence, l_start, and l_len should be
                           0. The command returns 0 if successful or
                           a negative GEMDOS error code otherwise.

              F_SETLKW     The calling procedure is the same as above,
              (0x0007)     however, if other processes already have
                           a conflicting lock set, it will suspend the
                           calling process until the lock is freed.

              FSTAT        Get the extended attributes for a file. arg
              (0x4600)     points to a XATTR structure which is filled in
                           with the file's extended attributes. If
                           successful, the function returns 0, otherwise
                           a negative GEMDOS error code is returned. See
                           Fxattr() for an explanation of the XATTR

              FIONREAD     Return an estimate of the number of bytes
              (0x4601)     available for reading from the specified file
                           without causing the process to block (wait for
                           more input) in the LONG pointed to by arg.

              FIONWRITE    Return an estimate of the number of bytes that
              (0x4602)     may be written from the specified file without
                           causing the process to block in the LONG
                           pointed to by arg.

              SHMGETBLK    Returns the address of a memory block
              (0x4D00)     associated with the file. arg should be NULL
                           for future compatibility.

                           Note: Different processes may receive different
                                 addresses for a shared block.

              SHMSETBLK    arg points to a block of memory (previously
              (0x4D01)     allocated) which is to be associated with the
                           file. The file must have been created at
                           'U:\SHM\' or the call will fail.

              PPROCADDR    Return the address of the specified processes'
              (0x5001)     control structure (opened as a file) in arg.
                           See the discussion of MiNT processes for
                           information about this structure.

              PBASEADDR    Return the address of the specified processes'
              (0x5002)     GEMDOS basepage (opened as a file) in arg.

              PCTXTSIZE    Return the length of the specified processes'
              (0x5003)     context structure (opened as a file) in arg.
                           Seeking to the offset returned by PPROCADDR
                           minus this number and reading this many bytes
                           will yield the current user context of the
                           process. Seeking back this many bytes more and
                           reading will yield the last system context of
                           the process. This structure is volatile and is
                           likely to change from one MiNT version to the

              PSETFLAGS    arg is a pointer to a LONG from which the
              (0x5004)     processes' memory allocation flags (PRGFLAGS)
                           will be set.

              PGETFLAGS    arg is a pointer to a LONG into which the
              (0x5005)     processes' memory allocation flags (PRGFLAGS)
                           will be placed.

              PTRACEGFLAGS arg points to a WORD which will be filled in
              (0x5006)     with the trace flags of a process. Setting bit
                           #0 of arg causes the parent process to receive
                           signals destined for the child. See the
                           discussion on program debugging for more

              PTRACESFLAGS arg points to a WORD which will be used to set
              (0x5007)     the trace flags of a process. See the discussion
                           on program debugging for more information.

              PTRACEGO     This call restarts a process which was stopped
              (0x5008)     because of a signal. arg points to a WORD which
                           contains 0 to clear all of the child processes'
                           pending signals or the signal value to send to
                           the process.

              PTRACEFLOW   This call restarts a process in a special
              (0x5009)     tracing mode in which the process is stopped
                           and a SIGTRACE signal is generated whenever
                           program flow changes (ex: JSR/BSR/JMP/BEQ). arg
                           should be set to 0 to clear all of the pending
                           signals of the process being traced or a signal
                           value which is to be sent to the child.

              PTRACESTEP   This call restarts a process and allows it to
              (0x500A)     execute one instruction before a SIGTRAP
                           instruction is generated.

              PLOADINFO    arg points to a structure as follows:
                           struct ploadinfo
                            WORD   fnamelen;
                            char * cmdlin;
                            char * fname;

                           cmd should point to a 128 byte character
                           buffer into which the processes' command line
                           will be copied. fname should point to a buffer
                           fnamelen bytes long into which the complete
                           path and filename of the process' parent will
                           be copied. If the buffer is too short the call
                           will return ENAMETOOLONG.

              TIOCGETP     Get terminal parameters from the TTY device
              (0x5400)     with the specified file handle. arg is
                           a pointer to an sgttyb structure which is
                           filled in by this command.

                           struct sgttyb
                            /* Reserved */
                            char sg_ispeed;
                            /* Reserved */
                            char sg_ospeed;
                            /* Erase character */
                            char sg_erase;
                            /* Line kill character */
                            char sg_kill;
                            /* Terminal control flags */
                            WORD sg_flags;

              TIOCSETP     Set the terminal parameters of the TTY device
              (0x5401)     specified. arg is a pointer to an sgyttb
                           structure as defined above. You should first
                           get the terminal control parameters, modify
                           what you wish to change, and then set them with
                           this call.

              TIOCGETC     Get the terminal control characters of the TTY
              (0x5402)     device specified. arg is a pointer to a tchars
                           structure filled in by this call which is
                           defined as follows:

                           struct tchars
                            /* Raises SIGINT */
                            char t_intrc;
                            /* Raises SIGKILL */
                            char t_quitc;
                            /* Starts terminal output */
                            char t_startc;
                            /* Stops terminal output */
                            char t_stopc;
                            /* Marks end of file */
                            char t_eofc;
                            /* Marks end of line */
                            char t_brkc;

              TIOCSETC     Set the terminal control characters of the TTY
              (0x5403)     device specified. arg is a pointer to a tchars
                           structure as defined above. Setting any
                           structure element to 0 disables that feature.

              TIOCGLTC     Get the extended terminal control characters
              (0x5404)     from the TTY device specified. arg is a pointer
                           to a ltchars structure which is filled in by
                           this call defined as follows:

                           struct ltchars
                            /* Raise SIGTSTP now */
                            char t_suspc;
                            /* Raise SIGTSTP when read */
                            char t_dsuspc;
                            /* Redraws the input line */
                            char t_rprntc;
                            /* Flushes output */
                            char t_flushc;
                            /* Erases a word */
                            char t_werasc;
                            /* Quotes a character */
                            char t_lnextc;

              TIOCSLTC     Set the extended terminal control characters
              (0x5405)     for the TTY device specified from the ltchars
                           structure pointed to by arg.

              TIOCGPGRP    Return the process group ID for the TTY
              (0x5406)     specified in the LONG pointed to by arg.

              TIOCSPGRP    Set the process group ID of the TTY specified
              (0x5407)     in the LONG pointed to by arg.

              TIOCSTOP     Stop terminal output (as if the user had
              (0x5409)     pressed ctrl-s). arg is ignored.

              TIOCSTART    Restart output to the terminal (as if the user
              (0x540A)     had pressed ctrl-q) if it had been previously
                           stopped with ctrl-s or a TIOCSTOP command. arg
                           is ignored.

              TIOCGWINSZ   Get information regarding the window for this
              (0x540B)     terminal. arg points to a winsize structure
                           which is filled in by this command.

                           struct winsize
                            /* # of Text Rows */
                            WORD ws_row;
                            /* # of Text Columns */
                            WORD ws_column;
                            /* Width of window in pixels */
                            WORD ws_xpixel;
                            /* Height of window in pixels */
                            WORD ws_ypixel;

              TIOCSWINSZ   Change the extents of the terminal window for
              (0x540C)     the specified TTY. arg points to a winsize
                           structure which contains the new window
                           information. It is up to the window manager to
                           modify the window extents and raise the
                           SIGWINCH signal if necessary.

              TIOCGXKEY    Return the current definition of a system key.
              (0x540D)     arg points to a structure xkey as follows:

                           struct xkey
                            WORD xk_num;
                            char xk_def[8];

                           xk_def will be filled in with the NULL
                           terminated name associated with the key
                           specified in xk_num as follows:

                           xk_num  Key
                            0- 9   F1-F10
                           10-19   F11-F20
                              20   Cursor up
                              21   Cursor down
                              22   Cursor right
                              23   Cursor left
                              24   Help
                              25   Undo
                              26   Insert
                              27   Clr/Home
                              28   Shift+Cursor up
                              29   Shift+Cursor down
                              30   Shift+Cursor right
                              31   Shift+Cursor left

              TIOCSXKEY    Set the current definition of a system key. arg
              (0x540E)     must point to an xkey structure (as defined
                           above). xk_num and xk_def are used to set the
                           text associated with a system key. If a terminal
                           recognizes special keys (by having its XKEY bit
                           set in the sg_flags field of its sgttyb
                           structure) then setting a system key will cause
                           the text specified by xk_def to be sent to
                           a process whenever the key is struck. Note:
                           this works only if the terminal is reading
                           characters using Fread().

              TIOCIBAUD    Read/Write the input baud rate for the
              (0x5412)     specified terminal device. If arg points to
                           a LONG then the input baud rate will be set to
                           that value. If arg is 0, the DTR on the
                           terminal will be dropped (if this feature is
                           supported). If arg is negative, the baud rate
                           will not be changed. The old baud rate is
                           returned in the value pointed to by arg. If the
                           terminal does not support separate input and
                           output baud rates then this call will set both

              TIOCOBAUD    Read/Write the output baud rate for the
              (0x5413)     specified terminal device. If arg points to
                           a LONG then the output baud rate will be set to
                           that value. If arg is 0, the DTR on the
                           terminal will be dropped (if this feature is
                           supported). If arg is negative, the baud rate
                           will not be changed. The old baud rate is
                           returned in the value pointed to by arg. If the
                           terminal does not support separate input and
                           output baud rates then this call will set both

              TIOCCBRK     Clear the break condition on the specified
              (0x5414)     device. arg is ignored.

              TIOCSBRK     Set the break condition on the specified
              (0x5415)     device. arg is ignored.

              TIOCGFLAGS   Return the current stop bit/data bit
              (0x5416)     configuration for the terminal device in the
                           lower 16 bits of the LONG pointed to by arg.
                           See the entry for TIOCSFLAGS for the flags
                           required to parse arg.

              TIOCSFLAGS   Set the current stop bit/data bit configuration
              (0x5417)     for the terminal device. The new configuration
                           is contained in arg. Valid mask values for arg
                           are as follows:

                           Name        Mask    Meaning
                           TF_1STOP   0x0001   1 stop bit
                           TF_15STOP  0x0002   1.5 stop bits
                           TF_2STOP   0x0003   2 stop bits
                           TF_8BIT    0x0000   8 data bits
                           TF_7BIT    0x0004   7 data bits
                           TF_6BIT    0x0008   6 data bits
                           TF_5BIT    0x000C   5 data bits

              TCURSOFF     Hide the cursor on the selected terminal
              (0x6300)     device. arg is ignored.

              TCURSON      Show the cursor on the selected terminal
              (0x6301)     device. arg is ignored.

              TCURSBLINK   Enable cursor blinking on the selected terminal
              (0x6302)     device. arg is ignored.

              TCURSSTEADY  Disable cursor blinking on the selected
              (0x6303)     terminal device. arg is ignored.

              TCURSSRATE   Set the cursor blink rate to the WORD pointed
              (0x6304)     to by arg.

              TCURSGRATE   Return the current cursor blink rate in the
              (0x6305)     WORD pointed to by arg.

Binding       move.w   cmd,-(sp)
              move.l   arg,-(sp)
              move.w   handle,-(sp)
              move.w   #$260,-(sp)
              trap     #1
              lea      10(sp),sp

Return Value  Unless otherwise noted, Fcntl() returns a 0 if the operation
              was successful or a negative GEMDOS error code otherwise.

See Also      Flock(), Fopen(), Fxattr(), Pgetpgrp(), Psetpgrp()