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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
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View Ref-FileFdup()
Fforce()                                                             GEMDOS


LONG Fforce( shandle, nhandle )
WORD shandle, nhandle;

Function      Fforce() is used to redirect the standard input or output
              from a GEMDOS standard handle to a specific handle created
              by the application.

Opcode        70 (0x46)

Availability  All GEMDOS versions.

Parameters    shandle is a standard GEMDOS handle to be redirected.
              nhandle is the new handle you wish to direct it to. Valid
              values for shandle and nhandle are as follows:

              Name       Handle  GEMDOS  Meaning

              GSH_CONIN      0   con:   Standard input (defaults to
                                        whichever BIOS device is mapped to
                                        GEMDOS handle -1)

              GSH_CONOUT     1   con:   Standard output (defaults to
                                        whichever BIOS device is mapped to
                                        GEMDOS handle -1)

              GSH_AUX        2   aux:   Currently mapped serial device
                                        (defaults to whichever BIOS device
                                        is mapped to GEMDOS handle -2)

              GSH_PRN        3   prn:   Printer port (defaults to
                                        whichever BIOS device is currently
                                        mapped to GEMDOS handle -3).

              -              4   None   Reserved

              -              5   None   Reserved

              GSH_BIOSCON   -1   None   Refers to BIOS handle 2. This
                                        handle may only be redirected
                                        under the presence of MiNT. Doing
                                        so redirects output of the BIOS.

              GSH_BIOSAUX   -2   None   Refers to BIOS handle 1. This
                                        handle may only be redirected
                                        under the presence of MiNT. Doing
                                        so redirects output of the BIOS.

              GSH_BIOSPRN   -3   None   Refers to BIOS handle 0. This
                                        handle may only be redirected
                                        under the presence of MiNT. Doing
                                        so redirects output of the BIOS.

              GSH_MIDIIN    -4   None   GEMDOS handles -4 and 5 refer to
              GSH_MIDIOUT   -5          MIDI input and output
                                        respectively. Redirecting these
                                        handles will affect BIOS handle 3.
                                        These special handles exist only
                                        with the presence of MiNT.

Binding       move.w   nhandle,-(sp)
              move.w   shandle,-(sp)
              move.w   #$46,-(sp)
              trap     #1
              addq.l   #6,sp

Return Value  Fforce() returns E_OK (0) if no error occurred or
              EIHNDL (-37) if a bad handle is given.

Caveats       Prior to GEMDOS versions 0.15, handles forced to the printer
              would not work properly.

Comments      This function is often used to redirect the input or output
              of a child process. It should be used in conjunction with
              Fdup() to restore the standard handle before process
              termination. In addition, you should be aware that any file
              handle redirected to a standard handle ('con:' for example)
              will be closed when the child exits and should not be closed
              by the parent. Standard GEMDOS file handles which have been
              redirected will revert to their original mapping upon

See Also      Fdup()