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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileMalloc()
Mxalloc()                                                            GEMDOS


VOIDP Mxalloc( amount, mode )
LONG amount;
WORD mode;

Function      Mxalloc() allocates a block of memory according to specified

Opcode        68 (0x44)

Availability  Available from GEMDOS version 0.19.

Parameters    amount specifies the length (in bytes) of the block
              requested. As with Malloc(), specifying -1L for amount will
              return the size of the largest block of memory available.
              With modes 0 or 1, the size of the largest block of
              available RAM from the specified type of RAM is returned.
              Modes 2 and 3 return the size of the largest available block
              or whichever type of  RAM had the largest block. mode is
              a WORD bit array which specifies the type of memory
              requested as follows:

              Bit    Meaning

              0-1    Bits 0-1 represent a possible value of 0-3
                     representing the type of RAM to allocate as follows:

                     Name        Value  Meaning
                     MX_STRAM      0    Allocate only ST-RAM
                     MX_TTRAM      1    Allocate only TT-RAM
                     MX_PREFSTRAM  2    Allocate either, preferring ST-RAM
                     MX_PREFTTRAM  3    Allocate either, preferring TT-RAM

                2    Not used (should be set to 0).

                3    If set, refer to bits 4-7 for memory protection
                     advice, otherwise default to protection specified in
                     program header. This bit is only valid in the
                     presence of MiNT.

              4-7    Bits 4-7 represent a possible value of 0-7
                     representing the memory protection mode to place on
                     the allocated block of memory. Currently valid values

                     Name         Value  Meaning
                     MX_HEADER      0    Refer to Program Header
                     MX_PRIVATE     1    Private
                     MX_GLOBAL      2    Global
                     MX_SUPERVISOR  3    Supervisor Mode Only Access
                     MX_READABLE    4    Read Only Access

                     These bits are only consulted if bit 3 is set and
                     MiNT is present.

              8-15   Not used (should be set to 0).

Binding       move.w   mode,-(sp)
              move.l   amount,-(sp)
              move.w   #$44,-(sp)
              trap     #1
              addq.l   #8,sp

Return Value  Mxalloc() returns NULL if the request could not be granted
              or a valid pointer to the start of the block allocated

Comments      Mxalloc() should be used instead of Malloc() whenever it is

See Also      Malloc(), Mfree()