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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
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View Ref-Fileshel_write()
Pexec()                                                              GEMDOS


LONG Pexec( mode, fname, cmdline, envstr )
WORD mode;
char *fname,*cmdline,*envstr;

Function      Pexec() has many functions designed to spawn child processes
              depending on the selected mode.

Opcode        75 (0x4B)

Availability  Pexec() modes 0, 3, 4, and 5, are available in all GEMDOS
              versions. Mode 6 is available as of GEMDOS version 0.15.
              Mode 6 is available as of GEMDOS version 0.19. Modes 100,
              104, 106, and 200 are only available in the presence of

Parameters    mode defines the function of Pexec() and the meaning of its
              parameters and return value as defined below. For modes
              which load a program, fname specifies the GEMDOS file
              specification of the file to load. cmdline is pointer to
              a string containg the command line which will be passed to
              the calling program. The first byte of the string should
              indicate the length of the command line (maximum of 125
              bytes). The actual command line starts at byte 2. envstr is
              a pointer to an environment which is copied and assigned to
              the child process. If envstr is NULL, the child inherits
              a copy of the parent's environment.

              Name           mode    Meaning

              PE_LOADGO        0   'LOAD AND GO' - Load and execute named
                                   program file and return a WORD exit
                                   code when the child terminates.

              PE_LOAD          3   'LOAD, DON'T GO' - Load named program.
                                   If successful, the LONG return value is
                                   the starting address of the child
                                   processes' basepage. The parent owns
                                   the memory of the child's environment
                                   and basepage and must therefore free
                                   them when completed with the child.

              PE_GO            4   'JUST GO' - Execute process with
                                   basepage at specified address. With
                                   this mode, fname and envstr are NULL.
                                   The starting address of the basepage of
                                   the process to execute is given in the
                                   cmdline parameter.

              PE_BASEPAGE      5   'CREATE BASEPAGE' - This mode allocates
                                   the largest block of free memory and
                                   creates a basepage in the first 256
                                   bytes of it. fname should be set to
                                   NULL. It is the responsibility of the
                                   parent to load or define the child's
                                   code, shrink the memory block as
                                   necessary, and initialize the basepage
                                   pointers to the TEXT, DATA, and BSS
                                   segments of the program. With MiNT, use
                                   of this mode in conjunction with mode
                                   PE_CGO can be used to emulate the
                                   Pvfork() call without blocking the

              PE_GOTHENFREE    6   'JUST GO, THEN FREE' - This mode is
                                   identical to mode PE_GO except that
                                   memory ownership of the child's
                                   environment and basepage belong to the
                                   child rather than the parent so that
                                   when the child Pterm()'s, that memory
                                   is automatically freed.

              PE_CLOADGO     100   'LOAD, GO, DON'T WAIT' - This mode is
                                   identical to mode PE_LOADGO except that
                                   the parent process is returned to
                                   immediately while the child continues
                                   to execute. The positive process ID of
                                   the child is returned. Environment and
                                   basepage memory blocks are freed
                                   automatically when the child Pterm()'s

              PE_CGO         104   'JUST GO, DON'T WAIT' - This mode is
                                   similar to mode PE_GO except that the
                                   parent process is returned to
                                   immediately while the child continues
                                   to execute concurrently. The positive
                                   process ID of the child is returned.
                                   Memory ownership of the environment and
                                   basepage are shared by the parent and
                                   child (this sharing extends to all
                                   memory owned by the parent). fname may
                                   be used to supply a name for the child,
                                   otherwise, if NULL is used, the name of
                                   the parent will be used. cmdline should
                                   point to the process basepage. envstr
                                   should be NULL.

              PE_NOSHARE     106   'JUST GO, DON'T WAIT, NO SHARING' -
                                   This mode is exactly the same as mode
                                   PE_CGO except that the child process
                                   owns its own environment and basepage
                                   sharing no memory with the parent.

              PE_REPLACE     200   'REPLACE PROGRAM AND GO' - This mode
                                   works like mode PE_CLOADGO except that
                                   the parent process is terminated
                                   immediately and the child process
                                   completely replaces the parent in
                                   memory retaining the same process ID.
                                   fname, cmdline, and envstr, are all
                                   normally passed and valid.

Binding       pea      envstr
              pea      cmdline
              pea      fname
              move.w   mode,-(sp)
              move.w   #$4B,-(sp)
              trap     #1
              lea      16(sp),sp

Return Value  The value returned by Pexec() is dependent on the mode value
              and is therefore explained above. All Pexec() modes return
              a LONG negative GEMDOS error code when the call fails.
              A WORD negative value indicates the child was successfully
              run but it terminated returning a negative error code. In
              all cases, a process returning after having been interrupted
              with ctrl-c returns 0x0000FFE0 (-32).

Comments      Command lines longer than 126 bytes may be passed to
              processes aware of the Atari Extended Command Line
              Specification (see discussion earlier in this chapter).

See Also      shel_write()