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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileSuptime()                                                            GEMDOS


LONG Suptime( uptime, loadaverage )
LONG *uptime;
LONG *loadaverage;

Function      Suptime() returns the current uptime and load averages from
              the system.

Opcode        319 (0x013f)

Availability  Available when a 'MiNT' cookie with a version of at least
              1.11 exists.

Parametres    uptime is a pointer to a LONG value that will be filled
              with the current amount of seconds elapsed since last

              loadaverage is a pointer to a three longword array, that
              will be filled with the current load averages (for last 1,
              5 and 15 minutes).

Binding       pea     loadaverage
              pea     uptime
              move.w  #$013f,-(sp)
              trap    #1
              lea     $0a(sp),sp

Return Value  Suptime() returns E_OK or a negative GEMDOS error code
              otherwise (actually it may be only EINVFN if the call is
              not supported...).

Comments      The load average value is calculated using the following

                     sum += (new_load - old_load) * LOAD_SCALE;
                     load_avg = sum / MAX_SIZE;

              where LOAD_SCALE is 2048, MAX_SIZE is 12 for 1 min., 60 for
              5 min. and 180 for 15 min. new_load is the number of
              currently running processes, old_load is the number of
              processes running previous time.