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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File
                               Disk Functions

Boot Sectors

Both floppy disks and hard disks share a similar format for boot sectors
as follows:

Name     Offset   Contents

BRA      0x0000   This WORD contains a 680x0 BRA.S instruction to the
                  boot code in this sector if the disk is executable,
                  otherwise it is unused.

OEM      0x0002   These six bytes are reserved for use as any necessary
                  filler information. The disk-based TOS loader program
                  places the string 'Loader' here.

SERIAL   0x0008   The low 24-bits of this LONG represent a unique disk
                  serial number.

BPS      0x000B   This is an Intel format WORD (low byte first) which
                  indicates the number of bytes per sector on the disk.

SPC      0x000D   This is a BYTE which indicates the number of sectors
                  per cluster on the disk.

RES      0x000E   This is an Intel format WORD which indicates the number
                  of reserved sectors at the beginning of the media
                  (usually one for floppies).

NFATS    0x0010   This is a BYTE indicating the number of File Allocation
                  Table's (FAT's) on the disk.

NDIRS    0x0011   This is an Intel format WORD indicating the number of
                  ROOT directory entries.

NSECTS   0x0013   This is an Intel format WORD indicating the number of
                  sectors on the disk (including those reserved).

MEDIA    0x0015   This BYTE is a media descriptor. Hard disks set this
                  value to 0xF8, otherwise it is unused.

SPF      0x0016   This is an Intel format WORD indicating the number of
                  sectors per FAT.

SPT      0x0018   This is an Intel format WORD indicating the number of
                  sectors per track.

NSIDES   0x001A   This is an Intel format WORD indicating the number of
                  sides on the disk.

NHID     0x001C   This is an Intel format WORD indicating the number of
                  hidden sectors on a disk (currently ignored).

BOOTCODE 0x001E   This area is used by any executable boot code. The code
                  must be completely relocatable as its loaded position in
                  memory is not guaranteed.

CHECKSUM 0x01FE   The entire boot sector WORD summed with this Motorola
                  format WORD will equal 0x1234 if the boot sector is
                  executable or some other value if not.

The boot sector may be found on side 0, track 0, sector 1 of each
physical disk.

The Floppy Drive

The XBIOS provides several functions used for reading, writing,
verifying, and formatting sectors on the hard disk.

Floprd() and Flopwr() read and write from the floppy drive at the sector
level rather than the file level. For example, these functions could be
used to create executable boot sectors on a floppy disk. Flopver() can be
used to verify written sectors against data still in memory.

Formatting a floppy disk is accomplished with flopfmt(). After a floppy
is completely formatted use the function Protobt() to create a prototype
boot sector (as shown above) which can then be written to sector #1 to
make the disk usable by TOS.


The functions DMAread() and DMAwrite() were added as of TOS 2.00. These
functions provide a method of accessing ACSI and SCSI devices at the
sector level.

ASCI accesses must not use alternate RAM as a transfer buffer because
they are performing DMA. The TT030 uses handshaking for SCSI so alternate
RAM transfers are safe. SCSI transfers on the Falcon030 do, however, use
DMA so alternate RAM must be avoided.

If you need to transfer data using these functions to an alternate RAM
buffer, use the special standard memory block pointed to by the cookie
'_FRB' as an intermediary point between the two types of RAM. You must
also use the '_flock' system variable (at 0x43E) to lock out other
attempted uses of this buffer.

Each physical hard disk drive must contain a boot sector. The boot sector
for hard disk drives is the same as floppies except for the following

Name       Offset   Contents

hd_siz     0x01C2   This is a Motorola format LONG that indicates the
                    number of physical 512-byte sectors on the device.

Partition  0x01C6   This section contains a 12 BYTE partition information
Header #0           block for the first logical partition.

Partition  0x01D2   This section contains a 12 BYTE partition information
Header #1           block for the second logical partition.

Partition   0x1DE   This section contains a 12 BYTE partition information
Header #2           block for the third logical partition.

Partition   0x1EA   This section contains a 12 BYTE partition information
Header #3           block for the fourth logical partition.

bst_st      0x1F6   This is a Motorola format LONG that indicates the
                    sector offset to the bad sector list (from the
                    beginning of the physical disk).

bst_cnt    0x01FA   This is a Motorola format LONG that indicates the
                    number of 512-byte sectors reserved for the bad sector

The partition information block is defined as follows:

Name    Offset  Contents

p_flg   0x00    This is a BYTE size bit field indicating the partition state.
                If bit 0 is set, the partition exists, otherwise it does not.
                If bit 7 is set, the partition is bootable, otherwise it is
                not. Bits 1-6 are unused.

p_id    0x01    This is a three BYTE field that indicates the partition
                type as follows: Contents Meaning
                'GEM' Regular Partition (<16MB)
                'BGM' Big Partition (>=16MB)
                'XGM' Extended Partition

p_st    0x04    This is a Motorola format LONG that indicates the start of
                the partition as an offset specified in 512-byte sectors.

p_size  0x08    This is a Motorola format LONG that indicates the size of
                the partition in 512-byte sectors.

A hard disk may have up to four standard (GEM or BGM) partitions or three
standard and one extended (XGM) partition. The first partition of a hard disk
must be a standard one.

Extended Partitions

The first sector of an extended partition contains a standard boot sector
with hard disk information except that the hd_siz, bst_st, and bst_cnt fields
are unused. At least one, but no more than two (not necessarily the first
two), partition headers are used. The first partition header is the same as
described above except that p_st describes the offset from the beginning of
the extended partition rather than the beginning of the physical disk.

If another partition needs to be linked, the second partition block should
contain 'XGM' in its p_id field and an offset to the next extended partition
in p_st.

The Bad Sector List

The bad sector list is a group of three-byte entries describing which
physical sectors on the hard disk are unusable. The first three-byte entry
contains the number of bad sectors recorded. The second three-byte entry
is a checksum and when added to the entire bad sector list bytewise should
cause the list to BYTE sum to 0xA5. If this is not the case then the bad
sector list is considered bad itself.