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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileFlopwr()
Floprd()                                                              XBIOS


WORD Floprd( buf, rsrvd, dev, sector, track, side, count )
VOIDP buf;
LONG rsrvd;
WORD dev, sector, track, side, count;

Function      Floprd() reads sectors from a floppy disk.

Opcode        8 (0x08)

Availability  All TOS versions.

Parameters    buf points to a word-aligned buffer where the data to be
              read will be stored.
              rsrvd is currently unused and
                  should be 0.
              dev specifies the floppy drive to read from
                  ('A:' = FLOP_DRIVEA (0), 'B:' = FLOP_DRIVEB (1)).
              The function reads count physical sectors starting at sector
              sector, track track, side side.

Binding       move.w   count,-(sp)
              move.w   side,-(sp)
              move.w   track,-(sp)
              move.w   sector,-(sp)
              move.w   dev,-(sp)
              move.l   rsrvd,-(sp)
              pea      buf
              move.w   #$08,-(sp)
              trap     #14
              lea      20(sp),sp

Return Value  Floprd() returns 0 if the operation was successful or
              non-zero otherwise.

Caveats       This function reads sectors in physical order (not taking
              interleave into account). Use Rwabs() to read logical

See Also      Flopwr(), Flopfmt(), Flopver(), Rwabs()