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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
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@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File


The following table displays a list of typesetting conventions used in this

Style               Meaning

Normal Text         Standard body text.

Bold Text           Bolded words are always title of a chapter
                    or its part.

Underlined Text     Underlined text is used to represent variable names
                    like handle. In addition sections of this book like
                    AES Reference Manual will be in capitalized italic

| Text between      Vertical bars imply the absolute value of the variable
vertical bars |     or expression within. For instance: | -2 | == | 2 |

( Number 1,         Two numbers contained within parentheses and separated
Number 2 )          by a comma indicate a coordinate point X followed by Y
                    For instance: ( 100, 100 ).

Number1 ^ Number2   2 ^ 8 is the same as 2 to the power of 8.


The function references in this guide are designed in a compatible manner
for ease of reading. Each function is illustrated as follows (headings not
applicable for a particular function will be omitted):

objc_draw()                                          Function Name

WORD objc_draw( tree, obj, depth, bx, by, bw, bh )   Definition
OBJECT *tree;                                        Data Types
WORD obj, depth, bx, by, bw, bh;

Function       Immediately following the definition, a brief summary of
               the function will follow.

Opcode         The opcode related to the function will be listed in
               decimal and hexadecimal where appropriate.

Availability   This section will indicate any special conditions that must
               exist for this function to be present (i.e.: OS version,
               presence of GDOS, etc.).

Parameters     The meaning of each parameter to the function will be
               explained here. If any data pointed to by parameters is
               modified it will be noted here as well.

Binding        This section will list a binding for the function in either
               'C' format or assembly format, whichever is more
               appropriate. Please note bindings were written with ease of
               reading, not necessarily optimized code, in mind.

Return Value   This section explains the return value of the function.
               This covers only that value returned on the left side of
               the function expression.

Version Notes  Under this heading, any features of a function which are
               only present under certain conditions are discussed.

Caveats        Known bugs or abnormalities of a function are listed next
               to this heading.

Comments       Other useful information or hints are listed here.

See Also       Functions which bear a relation to the current function or
               which are codependent on one another are listed here.

Group          Group in which certain function belongs to.

Data Types

Within function definitions, several data types are referenced that vary from
compiler to compiler. The following provides a key to the data type used and
their actual definition. Other data types will contain a structure definition
or 'typedef' within the binding. Be aware that some compilers default to
16-bit integers while others use 32-bit integers.

Usage     Synonyms              Meaning

WORD      short, int,           16-bit signed integer
          short int

UWORD     unsigned int,         16-bit unsigned integer
          unsigned short,
          unsigned short int

LONG      long, int, long int   32-bit signed integer

ULONG     unsigned long,        32-bit unsigned integer
          unsigned int,
          unsigned long int

VOID      void                  This naming is used to denote a function
                                with no parameters or return value.

BOOLEAN   bool, boolean,        16-bit signed integer valid only as TRUE
          short, short int,     (non-zero) or FALSE (0)

WORD *    short *, int *,       This is a pointer to a 16-bit signed
          short int *           integer.

UWORD *   unsigned short *,     This is a pointer to a 16-bit unsigned
          unsigned int *,       integer.
          unsigned short int *

LONG *    long *, int *,        This is a pointer to a 32-bit signed
          long int *            integer.

ULONG *   unsigned long *,      This is a pointer to a 32-bit unsigned
          unsigned int *,       integer.
          unsigned long int *

VOIDP     void *, char *        This represents a pointer to an undefined
                                memory type.

VOIDPP    void **, char **      This represents a pointer to a pointer of
                                an undefined memory type.

char *    None                  8-bit character string buffer

BYTE,     signed byte, signed   8-bit signed byte
CHAR      char

UBYTE,    unsigned byte,        8-bit unsigned byte
UCHAR     unsigned char

fix31     None                  This type holds a 31-bit mantissa and sign
                                bit. The value represents the number
                                contained multiplied times 1/65536. For
                                a complete explanation see Chapter 7: VDI.

Numeric Values

Because different computer languages use different nomenclature to specify
numbers in different bases, you will come across numbers presented in a
variety of different ways within this book as follows:

Prefix    Decimal    Meaning
          22 as an

None      22         This number is shown in decimal (base 10) format. The
                     majority of numbers shown will be in this format for

0x        0x16       This number is shown in hexadecimal (base 16) format.
                     Function opcodes in assembly language and numbers
                     used as mask values will appear mostly in this

$         $16        Same as above.

0         026        This number is shown in octal (base 8) format. Only
                     in extremely specialized cases will numbers by
                     represented in this manner.

%         %00010110  This number is shownn in binary (base 2) format. Only
                     when dealing with hardware registers and in a few
                     other circumstances will numbers be represented in
                     this manner.

Constant Definitions

Modern programming practices dictate the use of named constants wherever
possible in place of 'raw' values. Take for example the following call to

In 'C':

Devconnect( 3, 9, 0, 0, 1 );

In assembly language:

move.w      #1,-(sp)
move.w      #0,-(sp)
move.w      #0,-(sp)
move.w      #9,-(sp)
move.w      #3,-(sp)
move.w      #$8B,-(sp)
trap        #14
lea         12(sp),sp

Calling the function in this format makes debugging and program maintenance
more difficult because the parameters' meanings are concealed by the numeric
assignments. The following code illustrates the preferred method of coding:

In 'C':

/* Extracted from TOSDEFS.H, included by TOS.H */
#define ADC         3
#define DMAREC      0x01
#define DAC         0x08
#define CLK_25M     0
#define CLK_COMPAT  0
#define NO_SHAKE    1

/* Program segment */
#include <TOS.H>


In assembly language:

; Extracted from TOSDEFS.I

ADC         EQU     3
DMAREC      EQU     $01
DAC         EQU     $08
CLK_25M     EQU     0
NO_SHAKE    EQU     1

Devconnect  EQU     $8B

; Program Segment
        INCLUDE     "TOSDEFS.I"

        move.w      #NO_SHAKE, -(sp)
        move.w      #CLK_COMPAT,-(sp)
        move.w      #CLK_25M,-(sp)
        move.w      #DMAREC|DAC,-(sp)
        move.w      #ADC,-(sp)
        move.w      #Devconnect,-(sp)
        trap        #14
        lea         12(sp),sp

Unfortunately, because many function call parameters do not have standard
definitions associated with them, programmers have had to create their
own, which in turn makes their programs less portable, or use the 'raw'
constants. In addition, some compilers do not use standardized definitions
at all.

To help alleviate these difficulties, this revision of the Compendium
contains named definitions for almost every possible function parameter.
These definitions come from the 'C' header files TOS.H and TOSDEFS.H or
the assembly include file TOSDEFS.I, both available on disk from SDS.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that these files compile with
development tools in the Lattice 'C', Pure 'C', and Alcyon 'C' packages.

Some modifications to these files may be necessary, however, due to the
peculiarities of some compilers.

The 'C' header files consist of two parts to improve portability between
compilers. The TOS.H file is a compiler dependent file used to bind the
operating system calls to definitions. This file, in turn, includes the file
TOSDEFS.H which should remain portable between compilers.

When choosing definitions for inclusion in the TOSDEFS files, names given
by Atari were given highest precedence followed by those assigned (and kept
consistent) by compiler manufacturers. Other definitions were created with
simplicity and consistency in mind.

Use of the given constants will increase program code readability and
provide for a higher level of portability between compilers.