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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileKbdvbase()
Initmous()                                                            XBIOS


VOID Initmous( mode, param, hand )
WORD mode;
VOIDP param;
VOID (*hand)();

Function      Initmous() determines the method of handling IKBD mouse
              packets from the system.

Opcode        0 (0x00)

Availability  All TOS versions.

Parameters    mode indicates a IKBD reporting mode and defines the meaning
              of the other parameters as listed below. hand points to
              a mouse packet handler which is called when each mouse
              packet is sent. Register A0 contains the mouse packet
              address when called.

              Name       mode  Meaning

              IM_DISABLE   0   Disable mouse reporting.

              IM_RELATIVE  1   Enable relative mouse reporting mode.
                               Packets report offsets from the previous
                               mouse position. In this mode, param is
                               a pointer to a structure as follows:

                               struct param
                                BYTE topmode;
                                BYTE buttons;
                                BYTE xparam;
                                BYTE yparam;

                               topmode is IM_YBOT (0) to indicate that
                               Y=0 means bottom of the screen. A topmode
                               value of IM_YTOP (1) indicates that Y=0
                               means the top of the screen. buttons is
                               a bit array which affect the way mouse
                               clicks are handled. A value of IM_KEYS (4)
                               causes mouse buttons to generate keycodes
                               rather than mouse packets. A value of
                               IM_PACKETS (3) causes the absolute mouse
                               position to be reported on each button
                               press. xparam and yparam specify the number
                               of mouse X/Y increments between position
                               report packets. This mode is the default
                               mode of the AES and VDI.

              IM_ABSOLUTE  2   Enable absolute mouse reporting mode.
                               Packets report actual screen positions. In
                               this mode, param is a pointer to
                               a structure as follows:

                               struct param
                                BYTE topmode;
                                BYTE buttons;
                                BYTE xparam;
                                BYTE yparam;
                                WORD xmax;
                                WORD ymax;
                                WORD xinitial;
                                WORD yinitial;

                               topmode, buttons, xparam, and yparam are
                               the same as for mode 2. xmax and ymax
                               specify the maximum X and Y positions the
                               mouse should be allowed to move to. xinital
                               and yinitial specify the mouse's initial

              -            3   Unused

              IM_KEYCODE   4   Enable mouse keycode mode. Keyboard codes
                               for mouse movements are sent rather than
                               actual mouse packets. param is handled the
                               same as in mode 1.

Binding       pea    hand
              pea      param
              move.w   mode,-(sp)
              clr.w    -(sp)
              trap     #14
              lea      12(sp),sp

Caveats       Changing the mouse packet handler to anything but relative
              mode will cause the AES and VDI to stop receiving mouse

See Also      Kbdvbase()