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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileDevconnect()
Soundcmd()                                                            XBIOS


LONG Soundcmd( mode, data )
WORD mode, data;

Function      Soundcmd() sets various configuration parameters in the
              sound system.

Opcode        130 (0x82)

Availability  Available only when bit #2 of the '_SND' cookie is set.

Parameters    mode specifies how data is interpreted as follows:

              Name       mode  Meaning

              LTATTEN      0   Set the left attenuation (increasing
                               attentuation is the same as decreasing
                               volume). data is a bit mask as follows:

                                         XXXX XXXX LLLL XXXX

                               'L' specifies a valid value between 0 and
                               15 used to set the attenuation of the left
                               channel in -1.5db increments. The bits
                               represented by 'X' are reserved and
                               should be 0.

              RATTEN       1   Set the right attentuation. data is a bit
                               mask as follows:

                                         XXXX XXXX RRRR XXXX

                               'R' specifies a valid value between 0 and
                               15 used to set the attenuation of the right
                               channel in -1.5db increments. The bits
                               represented by 'X' are reserved and should
                               be 0.

              LTGAIN       2   Set the left channel gain (boost the input
                               to the ADC). data is a bit mask as follows:

                                         XXXX XXXX LLLL XXXX

                               'L' specifies a valid value between 0 and
                               15 used to set the gain of the left channel
                               in 1.5db increments. The bits represented
                               by 'X' are reserved and should be 0.

              RTGAIN       3   Set the right channel gain (boost the input
                               to the ADC). data is a bit mask as follows:

                                         XXXX XXXX RRRR XXXX

                               'R' specifies a valid value between 0 and
                               15 used to set the gain of the right
                               channel in 1.5db increments. The bits
                               represented by 'X' are reserved and should
                               be 0.

              ADDERIN      4   Set the 16 bit ADDER to receive its input
                               from the source(s) specified in data. data
                               is a bit mask where each bit indicates
                               a possible souce. Bit 0 represents the ADC
                               (ADDR_ADC). Bit 1 represents the connection
                               matrix (ADDR_MATRIX). Setting either or
                               both of these bits determines the source of
                               the ADDER.

              ADCINPUT     5   Set the inputs of the left and right
                               channels of the ADC. data is a bit mask:

                               bit 0 being the right channel:
                                 LEFT_MIC  (0x00) or LEFT_PSG (0x02)
                               bit 1 being the left channel:
                                 RIGHT_MIC (0x00) or RIGHT_PSG (0x01).

                               Setting a bit causes that channel to
                               receive its input from the Yamaha PSG.
                               Clearing a bit causes that channel to
                               receive its input from the microphone.

              SETPRESCALE  6   This mode is only valid when Devconnect()
                               is used to set the prescaler to TT030
                               compatibility mode. In that case, data
                               represents the TT030 compatible prescale
                               value as follows:

                               Name     Value  Meaning
                               CCLK_6K    0    Divide by 1280 (6.25 KHz)
                               CCLK_12K   1    Divide by  640 (12.5 Khz)
                               CCLK_25K   2    Divide by  320 (25 KHz)
                               CCLK_50K   3    Divide by  160 (50 KHz)

              Setting data to SND_INQUIRE (-1) with any command will cause
              that command's current value to be returned and the
              parameter unchanged.

Binding       move.w   data,-(sp)
              move.w   mode,-(sp)
              move.w   #$82,-(sp)
              trap     #14
              addq.l   #6,sp

Return Value  Soundcmd() returns the prior value of the specified command
              if data is SND_INQUIRE (-1). Using the SETPRESCALE mode to
              set a frequency of 6.25 MHz (CCLK_6K) will cause the sound
              system to mute on a Falcon030 as it does not support this
              sample rate.

Caveats       On current systems, a bug exists that causes a mode value of
              LTGAIN to set the gain for both channels.

See Also      Devconnect()