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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileVsetScreen()
VsetMode()                                                            XBIOS


WORD VsetMode( mode )
WORD mode;

Function      VsetMode() places the video shifter into a specific video

Opcode        88 (0x58)

Availability  Available if the '_VDO' cookie has a value of 0x00030000 or

Parameters    mode is a WORD bit array arranged as follows:

              Name              Bit(s)  Meaning

              BPS1  (0x00)       0-2    These bits form a value so that 2
              BPS2  (0x01)              ^ X represents the number of bits
              BPS4  (0x02)              per pixel.
              BPS8  (0x03)
              BPS16 (0x04)

              COL80 (0x08)        3     80 Column Flag (if set, 80
              COL40 (0x00)              columns, otherwise 40)

              VGA   (0x10)        4     VGA Flag (if set, VGA mode will be
              TV    (0x00)              used, otherwise television/monitor

              PAL   (0x20)        5     PAL Flag (if set, PAL will be
              NTSC  (0x00)              used, otherwise NTSC)

              OVERSCAN (0x40)     6     Overscan Flag (not valid with VGA)

              STMODES  (0x80)     7     ST Compatibility Flag

              VERTFLAG (0x100)    8     Vertical Flag (is set, enables
                                        interlace mode on a color monitor
                                        or double-line mode on a VGA

              -                  9-15   Reserved (set to 0)

              If mode is VM_INQUIRE (-1) then the current mode code is
              returned without changing the current settings.

Binding       move.w   mode,-(sp)
              move.w   #$58,sp
              trap     #14
              addq.l   #4,sp

Return Value  VsetMode() returns the prior video mode.

Caveats       VsetMode() does not reset the video base address, reserve
              memory, or reinitialize the VDI. To do this, use

Comments      Some video modes are not legal. 40 column monoplane modes
              and 80 column VGA true color modes are not supported.

See Also      VsetScreen(), Setscreen()