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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
@default    : 
@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                      The ob_spec field of an OBJECT
                        (The Object-Specific Field)

The ob_spec field contains different data depending on the object type as
in the union below:

typedef union obspecptr
    long            index;          /* type used for initialization  */
    union obspecptr *indirect;      /* ob_flags & INDIRECT           */
    bfobspec        obspec;         /* G_BOX, G_IBOX & G_BOXCHAR     */
    TEDINFO         *tedinfo;       /* G_TEXT, G_FTEXT, G_BOXTEXT &  */
                                    /* G_FBOXTEXT                    */
    ICONBLK         *iconblk;       /* G_ICON                        */
    CICONBLK        *ciconblk;      /* G_CICON - color icon          */
    BITBLK          *bitblk;        /* G_IMAGE                       */
    USERBLK         *userblk;       /* G_USERDEF                     */
    char            *free_string;   /* G_STRING, G_BUTTON & G_TITLE  */

Object      Contents of ob_spec

G_BOX       The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a bfobspec structure.

G_TEXT      The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a TEDINFO structure.

G_BOXTEXT   The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a TEDINFO structure.

G_IMAGE     The ob_spec field points to a >BITBLK structure.

G_PROGDEF   The ob_spec field points to a APPLBLK (USERBLK) structure.

G_IBOX      The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a bfobspec structure.

G_BUTTON    The ob_spec field contains a pointer to the text to be
            contained in the button.

G_BOXCHAR   The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a bfobspec structure.

G_STRING    The ob_spec field contains a pointer to the text to be

G_FTEXT     The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a TEDINFO structure.

G_FBOXTEXT  The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a TEDINFO structure.

G_ICON      The ob_spec field contains a pointer to an ICONBLK structure.

G_TITLE     The ob_spec field contains a pointer to the text to be used
            for the title.

G_CICON     The ob_spec field contains a pointer to a CICONBLK structure.