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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Filefsel_input()
File Selector Library
fsel_exinput()                                                          AES


WORD fsel_exinput( path, file, button, title )
CHAR *path, *file;
WORD *button;
CHAR *title;

Function       fsel_exinput() displays the system file selector and offers
               the user an opportunity to choose a complete GEMDOS path

Opcode         91 (0x5B)

Availability   Available from AES version 1.40.

Parameters     path should be a pointer to a character buffer at least 128
               bytes long (applications wishing to access CD-ROM's  should
               allocate at least 200 bytes). On input the buffer should
               contain a complete GEMDOS path specification including
               a drive specifier, path string, and wildcard mask as
               follows: 'drive:\path\mask'. The mask can be any valid
               GEMDOS wildcard (usually *.*).
               On function exit, path contains final path of the selected
               file (you will have to strip the mask).
               file should point to a character buffer 13 bytes long (12
               character filename plus NULL). On input its contents will
               be placed on the filename line of the selector (usually
               this value can simply be a empty string). On function exit,
               file contains the filename which the user selected.
               button is a short pointer which upon function exit will
               contain FSEL_CANCEL (0) if the user selected CANCEL or
               FSEL_OK (1) if OK.
               title should be a pointer to a character string up to 30
               characters long which contains the title to appear in the
               file selector (usually indicates which action the user is
               about to take).

Binding        addrin[0] = path;
               addrin[1] = file;
               addrin[2] = label;


               *button = intout[1];

               return intout[0];

Return Value   fsel_exinput() returns 0 if an error occured and 1

Version Notes  Some 'C' compilers (Lattice for example) provide a special
               function which allows fsel_exinput() to be used even on
               earlier AES versions.

Comments       The path parameter to this function should be validated to
               ensure that the path actually exists prior to calling this
               function to prevent confusing the user.
               This call should always be used as opposed to fsel_input()
               when it is available. Otherwise, the user has no reminder
               as to what function s/he is actually undertaking.

See Also       fsel_input()

Group          File Selector Library