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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Filevsc_form()
Graphics Library
graf_mouse()                                                            AES


WORD graf_mouse( mode, formptr )
WORD mode;
VOIDP formptr;

Function       graf_mouse() alters the appearance of the mouse form and
               can be used to hide and display the mouse pointer from the

Opcode         78 (0x4E)

Availability   All AES versions.

Parameters     mode is defined as follows:

               mode         #     Meaning                Shape

ARROW 0 Change the current mouse cursor shape.
TEXT_CRSR 1 Change the current mouse cursor shape.
BUSY_BEE 2 Change the current mouse cursor shape.
POINT_HAND 3 Change the current mouse cursor shape.
FLAT_HAND 4 Change the current mouse cursor shape.
THIN_CROSS 5 Change the current mouse cursor shape.
THICK_CROSS 6 Change the current mouse cursor shape.
OUTLN_CROSS 7 Change the current mouse cursor shape. USER_DEF 255 Change the current Form is defined mouse cursor shape. below. M_OFF 256 Remove the mouse No shape change. cursor from the screen. M_ON 257 Display the mouse No shape change. cursor. M_SAVE 258 Save the current No shape change. mouse form in an AES provided buffer. Check appl_getinfo() for the presence of this feature. M_LAST 259 Restore the most Changes the shape recently saved mouse as indicated. form. Check appl_getinfo() for the presence of this feature. M_RESTORE 260 Restore the mouse Changes the shape form to its last as indicated. shape. Check appl_getinfo() for the presence of this feature. If mode is equal to USER_DEF, formptr must point to a MFORM structure as defined below (if mode is different than USER_DEF, formptr should be NULL): typedef struct { short mf_xhot; short mf_yhot; short mf_nplanes; short mf_fg; short mf_bg; short mf_mask[16]; short mf_data[16]; } MFORM; mf_xhot and mf_yhot are the location of the mouse 'hot-spot'. These values should be in the range 0 to 15 and define what offset into the bitmap is actually the 'point'. mf_nplanes specifies the number of bit-planes used by the mouse pointer. Currently, the value of 1 is the only legal value. mf_fg and mf_bg are the mask and data colors of the mouse specified as palette indexes. Usually these values will be 0 and 1 respectively. mf_mask is an array of 16 WORD's which define the mask portion of the mouse form. mf_data is an array of 16 WORD's which define the data portion of the mouse form. As of AES 4.0 and beyond, the AES may not allow a mouse form to change to benefit another application. If it is absolutely necessary for the application to display its mouse form, logically OR the mode parameter with M_FORCE (0x8000) and make the call. This will force the AES to change to your mouse form. It should, however, be done within the scope of a wind_update() sequence. Binding intin[0] = mode; addrin[0] = formptr; return crys_if(0x4E); Return Value graf_mouse() returns a 0 if an error occurred or non-zero otherwise. Caveats There is currently no defined method of handling an error generated by this function. See Also vsc_form() Group Graphics Library