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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
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@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                              The MINT.CNF File

MultiTOS looks for an ASCII text  file upon bootup called 'MINT.CNF'
which may be used to execute commands or set MiNT variables. The following
table illustrates what commands are recognized in the 'MINT.CNF' file:

Command  Example                              Meaning

cd       cd c:\multitos                       Change the GEMDOS working

echo     echo "Atari Computer Booting..."     Echo a string to the

ren      ren c:\test.prg c:\test.app          Rename a file.

sln      sln c:\level1\level2\level3 u:\deep  Create a symbolic link on
                                              drive 'U:'.

alias    alias x: u:\proc                     Create an alias drive.

exec     exec c:\sam.prg                      Execute a program.

The following MiNT variables may be set in the 'MINT.CNF' file:

Variable     Meaning

INIT         Execute the named TOS program. For example:

GEM          Execute the named GEM program. For example:

CON          Redirect console input and output to the named file. For
             example:  CON=u:\dev\modem1

PRN          Redirect printer output to the named file. For example:

DEBUG_LEVEL  Set the MiNT Debugging Level (default is 0). For example:

DEBUG_DEVNO  Set the BIOS device number that MiNT will send debugging
             messages to. For example:  DEBUG_DEVNO=1

SLICES       Set the number of 20ms time slices given to an application at
             a time (the default is 2). For example:  SLICES=3
             default: 2

MAXMEM       Set the maximum amount of memory (in kilobytes) any
             application can be allocated (the default is unlimited). For
             example:  MAXMEM=8192
             default: -unlimited-

BIOSBUF      Enable/Disable Bconout() optimizations. The parameter should
             be 'Y' to enable or 'N' to disable these optimizations. For
             example: BIOSBUF=Y
             default: Y

SECURELEVEL  enables the appropriate security level:
                0 - recommended for single user setups, like MultiTOS.
                1 - recommended for multiuser setups, like KGMD.
                2 - full protection, unsupported by software, thus
             example: SECURELEVEL=1
             default: 0
             from MiNT version 1.14.6

FASTLOAD     YES - force  fast  loading  (without  zeroing  all  the
                   memory) for all programs. This defines a default
                   state, that can be modified later via  appropriate
                   kernel calls (a CPX for controlling this would be
             NO  - means that the information from the program header
                   will be used to decide (this is like TOS does).
             example: FASTLOAD=YES
             default: ???

NEWFATFS     enables the new FAT filesystem driver for selected FAT
             filesystems. The old TOS FS will be used otherwise.
             default: -none-
             from MiNT version 1.15.0

VFAT         enables  the new FAT filesystem driver for selected FAT
             filesystems. The old TOS FS will be used otherwise.
             default: -none-
             from MiNT version 1.15.0

WB_ENABLE    enables write back cache for selected NEWFATFS drives.
             default: -none-
             from MiNT version 1.15.0

CACHE        specifies the size of disk cache in kilobytes for the
             internal caching module
             default: 100
             from MiNT version 1.15.0

VFATLCASE    force return of FAT names in lower case on VFAT drives
             global option for programs that run in the MiNT domain.
             default y
             from MiNT version 1.15.0

HIDE_B       remove drive B: completely, avoid all 'please insert disk
             B:' messages.
             default: NO
             from MiNT version 1.15.0