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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
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View Ref-FileShell Library
shel_write()                                                            AES


WORD shel_write( mode, wisgr, wiscr, cmd, tail )
WORD mode, wisgr, wiscr;
char *cmd, *tail;

Function       shel_write() is a multi-purpose function which handles the
               manipulation and launching of processes.

Opcode         121 (0x79)

Availability   All AES versions. In AES versions 4.0 and above,
               appl_getinfo() can be used to determine the highest legal
               value for mode as well as the functionality of extended
               mode bits.

Parameters     mode specifies the meaning of the rest of the parameters as

               Name         mode  Meaning

               SWM_LAUNCH     0   Launch a GEM or TOS application or GEM
                                  desk accessory depending on the
                                  extension of the file. This mode is only
                                  available as of AES version 4.0. wisgr
                                  is not used in mode SWM_LAUNCH (0). When
                                  the lower eight bits of mode are
                                  SWM_LAUNCH (0), SWM_LAUNCHNOW (1), or
                                  SWM_LAUNCHACC (3), appropriate bits in
                                  the upper byte may be set to enter
                                  'extended' mode. The bits in the upper
                                  byte are assigned as follows:

                                  Name         Mask   Meaning
                                  SW_PSETLIMIT 0x100  Initial Psetlimit()
                                  SW_PRENICE   0x200  Initial Prenice()
                                  SW_DEFDIR    0x400  Default Directory
                                  SW_ENVIRON   0x800  Environment

                                  If the upper byte is empty, extended
                                  mode is not entered and cmd specifies
                                  the filename (to search for the file
                                  with shel_find() ) or the complete
                                  file specification. Otherwise, if any
                                  extended bits are set, cmd points to
                                  a structure as shown below.

                                  typedef struct _shelw
                                   char *newcmd;
                                   LONG psetlimit;
                                   LONG prenice;
                                   char *defdir;
                                   char *env;
                                  } SHELW;

                                  _shelw.newcmd points to the filename
                                  formatted in the manner indicated
                                  If bit 8 (SW_PSETLIMIT) of mode is set,
                                  _shelw.psetlimit contains the maximum
                                  memory size available to the process.
                                  If bit 9 of mode is (SW_PRENICE) set,
                                  _shelw.prenice contains the process
                                  priority of the process to launch.
                                  If bit 10 of mode (SW_DEFDIR) is set,
                                  _shelw.defdir points to a character
                                  string containing the default directory
                                  for the application begin launched.
                                  If bit 11 of mode (SW_ENVIRON) is set,
                                  _shelw.env points to a valid environment
                                  string for the process.
                                  tail points to a buffer containing the
                                  command tail to pass to the process. If
                                  wiscr is set to CL_NORMAL (0), tail is
                                  passed normally, otherwise, if wiscr is
                                  set to CL_PARSE (1), the AES will parse
                                  tail and set up an ARGV environment
                                  modes SWM_LAUNCH (0), SWM_LAUNCHNOW
                                  (1), and SWM_LAUNCHACC (3) return the
                                  AES id of the started process. If a 0 is
                                  returned, then the process was not
                                  Under MultiTOS, processes are launched
                                  concurrently with their parent. An exit
                                  code is returned in a CH_EXIT message
                                  when the child terminates. See
                                  In AES versions 4.0 and above,
                                  appl_getinfo() should be used to
                                  determine the exact result of this call.

               SWM_LAUNCHNOW  1   Launch a GEM or TOS application based on
                                  the value of wisgr. If wisgr is TOSAPP
                                  (0), the application will be launched as
                                  a TOS application, otherwise if wisgr is
                                  GEMAPP (1), the application will be
                                  launched as a GEM application. For the
                                  meaning of other parameters, see mode
                                  SWM_LAUNCH (0). The extended bits in
                                  mode are only supported by AES versions
                                  of at least 4.0.
                                  Parent applications which launch
                                  children using this mode are suspended
                                  under MultiTOS.
                                  In AES versions 4.0 and above,
                                  appl_getinfo() should be used to
                                  determine the exact result of this call.

               SWM_LAUNCHACC  3   Launch a GEM desk accessory. For the
                                  meaning of other parameters, see mode
                                  SWM_LAUNCH (0). This mode is only
                                  supported by AES versions of at least

               SWM_SHUTDOWN   4   Manipulate 'Shutdown' mode. Shutdown
                                  mode is usually used prior to
                                  a resolution change to cause system
                                  processes to terminate. wisgr, cmd, and
                                  tail are ignored by this call. The value
                                  of wiscr determines the action this call
                                  takes as follows:

                                  Name      wiscr Meaning
                                  SD_ABORT    0   Abort shutdown mode
                                  SD_PARTIAL  1   Partial shutdown mode
                                  SD_COMPLETE 2   Complete shutdown mode

                                  During a shutdown, processes which
                                  have registered themselves as accepting
                                  AP_TERM messages will be sent them and
                                  all accessories will be sent AC_CLOSE
                                  messages. In addition, in complete
                                  shutdown mode, AP_TERM messages will
                                  also be sent to accessories.
                                  Shutdown mode may be aborted but only
                                  by the original caller.
                                  The status of the shutdown is sent to
                                  the calling processes by AES messages.
                                  See evnt_mesag().
                                  This mode is only supported by AES
                                  versions greater than or equal to 4.0.

               SWM_RESCHANGE  5   Change screen resolution. wisgr is the
                                  work station ID (same as in AES
                                  global[13]) of the new resolution. No
                                  other parameters are utilized.
                                  This mode is only recognized as of AES
                                  version 4.0.

               SWM_BROADCAST  7   Broadcast an AES message to all
                                  processes. cmd should point to an 8 WORD
                                  message buffer containing the message to
                                  send. All other parameters are ignored.
                                  This mode is only recognized as of AES
                                  version 4.0.

               SWM_ENVIRON    8   Manipulate the AES environment. If wisgr
                                  is ENVIRON_SIZE (0), the current size of
                                  the environment string is returned.
                                  If wisgr is ENVIRON_CHANGE (1), cmd
                                  should point to a environment variable
                                  to modify. If cmd points to
                                  "TOSEXT=TOS,TTP", that string will be
                                  added. Likewise, "TOSEXT=" will remove
                                  that environment variable.
                                  If wisgr is ENVIRON_COPY (2), the AES
                                  will copy as many as wiscr bytes of the
                                  current environment string into a buffer
                                  pointer to by cmd. The function will
                                  return the number of bytes not copied.
                                  This mode is only recognized as of AES
                                  version 4.0.

               SWM_NEWMSG     9   Inform the AES of a new message the
                                  current application understands. wisgr
                                  is a bit mask which specifies which new
                                  messages the application understands.
                                  Currently only bit 0 (NM_APTERM) has
                                  a meaning. Setting this bit when calling
                                  this function will inform the AES that
                                  the application understands AP_TERM
                                  messages. No other parameters are used.
                                  This mode is only recognized as of AES
                                  version 4.0.

               SWM_AESMSG     10  Send a message to the AES. cmd points to
                                  an 8 WORD message buffer containing the
                                  message to send. No other parameters are
                                  This mode is only recognized as of AES
                                  version 4.0.

Binding        intin[0] = mode;
               intin[1] = wisgr;
               intin[2] = wiscr;

               addrin[0] = cmd;
               addrin[1] = tail;

               return crys_if(0x79);

Return Value   The value shel_write() differs depending on the mode which
               was invoked. See above for details.

Version Notes  Many new features were added as of AES version 4.0. For
               details of each, see above.

Group          Shell Library