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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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@width      : 100
View Ref-Filewind_open()
Window Library
wind_create()                                                           AES


WORD wind_create( kind, x, y, w, h )
WORD kind, x, y, w, h;

Function       wind_create() initializes a new window structure and
               allocates any necessary memory.

Opcode         100 (0x64)

Availability   All AES versions.

Parameters     kind is a bit array whose elements determine the presence of
               any 'widgets' on the window as follows:

               Name     Mask     Meaning

               NAME     0x01     Window has a title bar.

               CLOSER   0x02     Window has a close box.

               FULLER   0x04     Window has a fuller box.

               MOVER    0x08     Window may be moved by the user.

               INFO     0x10     Window has an information line.

               SIZER    0x20     Window has a sizer box.

               UPARROW  0x40     Window has an up arrow.

               DNARROW  0x80     Window has a down arrow.

               VSLIDE   0x100    Window has a vertical slider.

               LFARROW  0x200    Window has a left arrow.

               RTARROW  0x400    Window has a right arrow.

               HSLIDE   0x800    Window has a horizontal slider.

               SMALLER  0x4000   Window has an iconifier.

               The parameter kind is created by OR'ing together any desired
               x, y, w, and h, specify the maximum extents of the window.
               Normally this is the entire screen area minus the menu bar
               (to find this area use wind_get() with a parameter of
               WF_WORKXYWH ). The area may be smaller to bound the window
               to a particular size and location.

Binding        intin[0] = kind;
               intin[1] = x;
               intin[2] = y;
               intin[3] = w;
               intin[4] = h;

               return crys_if(0x64);

Return Value   wind_create() returns a window handle if successful or
               a negative number if it was unable to create the window.

Version Notes  The SMALLER gadget is only available as of AES version 4.1.

Comments       A window is not actually displayed on screen with this call,
               you need to call wind_open() to do that.

               The desktop was limited to four windows. The AES actually
               allowed seven windows. As of MultiTOS the number of open
               windows is limited only by memory and the capabilities of an
               application. You should ensure that your application calls
               a wind_delete() for each wind_create(), otherwise memory may
               not be deallocated when your application exits.

See Also       wind_open(), wind_close(), wind_delete()

Group          Window Library