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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
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View Ref-Filewind_set()
Window Library
wind_get()                                                              AES


WORD wind_get( handle, mode, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 )
WORD handle, mode;
WORD *parm1, *parm2, *parm3, *parm4;

Function       wind_get() returns various information about a window.

Opcode         104 (0x68)

Availability   All AES versions.

Parameters     handle specifies the handle of the window to return
               information about (0 is the desktop window). mode specifies
               the information to return and the values placed into the
               WORDs pointed to by parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 as

               Name         mode  Meaning

               WF_WORKXYWH    4   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h of the
                                  current coordinates of the window's work

               WF_CURRXYWH    5   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h of the
                                  current coordinates of the full extent
                                  of the window.

               WF_PREVXYWH    6   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h of the
                                  previous coordinates of the full extent
                                  of the window prior to the last
                                  wind_set() call.

               WF_FULLXYWH    7   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h values
                                  specified in the wind_create() call.

               WF_HSLIDE      8   parm1 is filled in with the current
                                  position of the horizontal slider
                                  between 1 and 1000. A value of one
                                  indicates that the slider is in its
                                  leftmost position.

               WF_VSLIDE      9   parm1 is filled in with the current
                                  position of the vertical slider between
                                  1 and 1000. A value of one indicates
                                  that the slider is in its uppermost

               WF_TOP        10   parm1 is filled in with the window
                                  handle of the window currently on top.
                                  As of AES version 4.0 (and when
                                  appl_getinfo() indicates), parm2 is
                                  filled in with the owners AES id, and
                                  parm3 is filled in with the handle of
                                  the window directly below it.

               WF_FIRSTXYWH  11   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h of the
                                  first AES rectangle in the window's
                                  rectangle list. If parm3 and parm4 are
                                  both 0, the window is completely

               WF_NEXTXYWH   12   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 are
                                  filled in with subsequent AES rectangles
                                  for each time this function is called
                                  until parm3 and parm4 are 0 to signify
                                  the end of the list.

               WF_NEWDESK    14   As of AES versions 4.0 (and when
                                  appl_getinfo() indicates), this mode
                                  returns a pointer to the current desktop
                                  background OBJECT tree. parm1 contains
                                  the high WORD of the address and parm2
                                  contains the low WORD.

               WF_HSLSIZE    15   parm1 contains the size of the current
                                  slider relative to the size of the
                                  scroll bar as a value from 1 to 1000.
                                  A value of 1000 indicates that the
                                  slider is at its maximum size.

               WF_VSLSIZE    16   parm1 contains the size of the current
                                  slider relative to the size of the
                                  scroll bar as a value from 1 to 1000.
                                  A value of 1000 indicates that the
                                  slider is at its maximum size.

               WF_SCREEN     17   This mode returns a pointer to the
                                  current AES menu/alert buffer and its
                                  size. The pointer's high WORD is
                                  returned in parm1 and the pointer's low
                                  WORD is returned in parm2. The length of
                                  the buffer is returned as a LONG with
                                  the upper WORD being in parm3 and the
                                  lower WORD being in parm4. Note that TOS
                                  1.02 returns 0 in w and h by mistake.
                                  The menu/alert buffer is used by the
                                  AES to save the screen area hidden by
                                  menus and alert boxes. It is not
                                  recommended that applications use this
                                  area as its usage is not guaranteed in
                                  future versions of the OS.

               WF_COLOR      18   This mode gets the current color of the
                                  window widget specified on entry to the
                                  function in the WORD pointed to by
                                  parm1. Valid window widget indexes are
                                  as follows (W_SMALLER is only valid as
                                  of AES 4.1):

                                  parm1     Value ob_type
                                  W_BOX       0   IBOX
                                  W_TITLE     1   BOX
                                  W_CLOSER    2   BOXCHAR
                                  W_NAME      3   BOXTEXT
                                  W_FULLER    4   BOXCHAR
                                  W_INFO      5   BOXTEXT
                                  W_DATA      6   IBOX
                                  W_WORK      7   IBOX
                                  W_SIZER     8   BOXCHAR
                                  W_VBAR      9   BOX
                                  W_UPARROW  10   BOXCHAR
                                  W_DNARROW  11   BOXCHAR
                                  W_VSLIDE   12   BOX
                                  W_VELEV    13   BOX
                                  W_HBAR     14   BOX
                                  W_LFARROW  15   BOXCHAR
                                  W_RTARROW  16   BOXCHAR
                                  W_HSLIDE   17   BOX
                                  W_HELEV    18   BOX
                                  W_SMALLER  19   BOXCHAR

                                  The ob_spec field (containing the
                                  color information) used for the object

                                  when not selected is returned in the
                                  WORD pointed to by parm2. The ob_spec
                                  field used for the object when selected
                                  is returned in parm3.
                                  This mode under wind_get() is only
                                  valid as of AES version 3.30. From AES
                                  versions 4.0 and above, appl_getinfo()
                                  should be used to determine if this mode
                                  is supported.

               WF_DCOLOR     19   This mode gets the default color of
                                  newly created windows as with WF_COLOR
                                  above. As above, this mode under
                                  wind_get() only works as of AES
                                  version 3.30.
                                  As of AES version 4.1, WF_DCOLOR
                                  changes the color of open windows unless
                                  they have had their colors explicitly
                                  set with WF_COLOR.

               WF_OWNER      20   parm1 is filled in with the AES id of
                                  the owner of the specified window. parm2
                                  is filled in with its open status
                                  (0 = closed, 1 = open). parm3 is filled
                                  in with the handle of the window directly
                                  above it (in the window order list) and
                                  parm4 is filled in with the handle of
                                  the window below it (likewise, in the
                                  window order list).
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.0 (and when indicated by

               WF_BEVENT     24   parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 are each
                                  interpreted as bit arrays whose bits
                                  indicate supported window features.
                                  Currently only one bit is supported. If
                                  bit 0 of the value returned in parm1 is
                                  1, that window has been set to be
                                  'un-toppable' and it will never receive
                                  WM_TOPPED messages, only button clicks.
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.0 (and when indicated by
                                  appl_getinfo() ).

               WF_BOTTOM     25   parm1 will be filled in with the handle
                                  of the window currently on the bottom of
                                  the window list (it may actually be on
                                  top if there is only one window). Note
                                  also that this does not include the
                                  desktop window.
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.0 (and when indicated by

               WF_ICONIFY    26   parm1 will be filled in with 0 if the
                                  window is not iconified or non-zero if
                                  it is. parm2 and parm3 contain the width
                                  and height of the icon. parm4 is
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.1 (and when indicated by
                                  appl_getinfo() ).

               WF_UNICONIFY  27   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4, are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h of the
                                  original coordinates of the iconified
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.1 (and when indicated by

               WF_TOOLBAR    30   parm1 and parm2 contain the high and low
                                  WORD respectively of the pointer to the
                                  current toolbar object tree (or NULL if
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.1.

               WF_FTOOLBAR   31   parm1, parm2, parm3, are parm4, are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h,
                                  respectively of the first uncovered
                                  rectangle of the toolbar region of the
                                  window. If parm3 and parm4 are 0, the
                                  toolbar is completely covered.
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.1.

               WF_NTOOLBAR   32   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4, are
                                  filled in with the x, y, w, and h,
                                  respectively of subsequent uncovered
                                  rectangles of the toolbar region. This
                                  mode should be repeated to reveal
                                  subsequent rectangles until parm3 and
                                  parm4 are found to be 0.
                                  This mode is only available as of AES
                                  version 4.1.

Binding        /* This binding must be different to */
               /* accomodate reading WF_COLOR and   */
               /* WF_DCOLOR                         */

               contrl[0] = 0x68;
               contrl[1] = 2;
               contrl[2] = 5;
               contrl[3] = 0;
               contrl[4] = 0;

               intin[0] = handle;
               intin[1] = mode;

               if(mode == WF_DCOLOR || mode == WF_COLOR)
                intin[2] = *x;
                contrl[1] = 3;


               *x = intout[1];
               *y = intout[2];
               *w = intout[3];
               *h = intout[4];

               return intout[0];

Return Value   wind_get() returns a 0 if an error occurred or non-zero

See Also       wind_set()

Group          Window Library