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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
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View Ref-Filewind_get()
Window Library
wind_set()                                                              AES


WORD wind_set( handle, mode, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 )
WORD handle, mode, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4;

Function       wind_set() sets various window attributes.

Opcode         105 (0x69)

Availability   All AES versions.

Parameters     handle specifies the window handle of the window to modify.
               mode specifies the attribute to change and the meanings of
               parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 as follows:

               Name             mode  Meaning

               WF_NAME           2    This mode passes a pointer to
                                      a character string containing the
                                      new title of the window. parm1
                                      contains the high WORD of the
                                      pointer and parm2 contains the low

               WF_INFO           3    This mode passes a pointer to
                                      a character string containing the
                                      new information line of the window.
                                      parm1 contains the high WORD of the
                                      pointer, parm2 contains the low

               WF_CURRXYWH       5    parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4
                                      specify the x, y, w, and h of the
                                      new coordinates of the full extent
                                      of the window.

               WF_HSLIDE         8    parm1 specifies the new position of
                                      the horizontal slider between 1 and
                                      1000. A value of 1 indicates that
                                      the slider is in its leftmost

               WF_VSLIDE         9    parm1 specifies the new position of
                                      the vertical slider between 1 and
                                      1000. A value of 1 indicates that
                                      the slider is in its uppermost

               WF_TOP            10   parm1 specifies the window handle of
                                      the window to top. Note that if
                                      multiple calls of wind_set( WF_TOP,
                                      ... ) are made without releasing
                                      control to the AES (which allows the
                                      window to actually be topped), only
                                      the most recent window specified
                                      will actually change position.

               WF_NEWDESK        14   This mode specifies a pointer to an
                                      OBJECT tree which is redrawn
                                      automatically by the desktop as the
                                      background. parm1 contains the high
                                      WORD of the pointer and parm2
                                      contains the low WORD. To reset the
                                      desktop background to the default,
                                      specify parm1 and parm2 as 0.

               WF_HSLSIZE        15   parm1 defines the size of the
                                      current slider relative to the size
                                      of the scroll bar as a value from 1
                                      to 1000. A value of 1000 indicates
                                      that the slider is at its maximum

               WF_VSLSIZE        16   parm1 defines the size of the
                                      current slider relative to the size
                                      of the scroll bar as a value from 1
                                      to 1000. A value of 1000 indicates
                                      that the slider is at its maximum

               WF_COLOR          18   This mode sets the current color of
                                      the window widget specified on entry
                                      in parm1. Valid window widget
                                      indexes are as follows (W_SMALLER is
                                      only valid as of AES 4.1):

                                      parm1     Value ob_type
                                      W_BOX       0   IBOX
                                      W_TITLE     1   BOX
                                      W_CLOSER    2   BOXCHAR
                                      W_NAME      3   BOXTEXT
                                      W_FULLER    4   BOXCHAR
                                      W_INFO      5   BOXTEXT
                                      W_DATA      6   IBOX
                                      W_WORK      7   IBOX
                                      W_SIZER     8   BOXCHAR
                                      W_VBAR      9   BOX
                                      W_UPARROW  10   BOXCHAR
                                      W_DNARROW  11   BOXCHAR
                                      W_VSLIDE   12   BOX
                                      W_VELEV    13   BOX
                                      W_HBAR     14   BOX
                                      W_LFARROW  15   BOXCHAR
                                      W_RTARROW  16   BOXCHAR
                                      W_HSLIDE   17   BOX
                                      W_HELEV    18   BOX
                                      W_SMALLER  19   BOXCHAR

                                      The ob_spec field of the object
                                      (containing the color information)
                                      while the window is on top is
                                      defined in parm2. The ob_spec field
                                      for the object while the window is
                                      not on top is defined in parm3.
                                      This mode is only valid as of AES
                                      version 0x0300.

               WF_DCOLOR         19   This mode sets the default color of
                                      newly created windows as with
                                      WF_COLOR above. This mode only works
                                      as of AES version 0x0300. As of AES
                                      version 4.1, this mode causes all
                                      currently displayed windows which
                                      have not had their color explicitly
                                      set with WF_COLOR to be changed.

               WF_BEVENT         24   parm1, parm2, parm3, and parm4 are
                                      each interpreted as bit arrays whose
                                      bits indicate supported window
                                      features. Currently only one bit is
                                      supported. If bit 0 (B_UNTOPPABLE)
                                      of parm1 is set, the window will be
                                      set to be 'un-toppable' and it will
                                      never receive WM_TOPPED messages,
                                      only button clicks. This mode is only
                                      available as of AES versions 4.0.

               WF_BOTTOM         25   This mode will place the specified
                                      window at the bottom of the window
                                      list (if there is more than one
                                      window) and top the new window on
                                      the top of the list. This mode is
                                      only available as of AES version

               WF_ICONIFY        26   This mode iconifies the specified
                                      window to the X, Y, width, and
                                      height coordinates given in parm1,
                                      parm2, parm3, and parm4
                                      respectively. Normally, this happens
                                      as the result of receiving
                                      a WM_ICONIFY message. This mode is
                                      only available as of AES
                                      version 4.1.

               WF_UNICONIFY      27   This mode uniconifies the window
                                      specified, returning it to its
                                      original X, Y, width, and height as
                                      specified in parm1, parm2, parm3,
                                      and parm4 respectively. Normally,
                                      this happens as the result of
                                      receiving a WM_UNICONIFY
                                      message. This mode is only available
                                      as of AES version 4.1.

               WF_UNICONIFYXYWH  28   This mode sets the X, Y, width, and
                                      height that will be transmitted to
                                      the window with the next
                                      WM_UNICONIFY message that targets
                                      it. This call is used when a window
                                      is opened in an iconified state to
                                      give the OS a method of positioning
                                      it when it is uniconified. This mode
                                      is only available as of AES
                                      version 4.1.

               WF_TOOLBAR        30   This mode attaches a toolbar to the
                                      specified window. parm1 and parm2
                                      contain the high and low WORD of the
                                      address of the toolbar OBJECT tree
                                      respectively. parm3 and parm4 are
                                      unused. Set parm1 and parm2 to 0 to
                                      remove a toolbar.
                                      WF_TOOLBAR is available as of AES 4.10.

Binding        intin[0] = handle;
               intin[1] = mode;
               intin[2] = x;
               intin[3] = y;
               intin[4] = w;
               intin[5] = h;

               return crys_if(0x69);

Return Value   wind_set() returns 0 if an error occurred or non-zero

See Also       wind_get()

Group          Window Library