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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File
                                Signal Table

Signal     Number  Meaning

SIGNULL       0    This signal is actually a dead signal since it has no
                   effect and is never delivered. Its only purpose is to
                   determine if a child process has exited. A Pkill() call
                   with this signal number will return successfully if
                   the process is still running or fail if not.

SIGHUP        1    This signal indicates that the terminal connected to
                   the process is no longer valid. This signal is sent by
                   window managers to processes when the user has closed
                   your window. The default action for this signal is to
                   kill the process.

SIGINT        2    This signal indicates that the user has interrupted the
                   process with ctrl-c. The default action for this signal
                   is to kill the process.

SIGQUIT       3    This signal is sent when the user presses ctrl-\. The
                   default action for this signal is to kill the process.

SIGILL        4    This signal is sent after a 680x0 Illegal Instruction
                   Exception has occurred. The default action for this
                   signal is to kill the process. Catching this signal is

SIGTRAP       5    This signal is sent after each instruction is executed
                   when the system is in single-step trace mode. Debuggers
                   should catch this signal, other processes should not.

SIGABRT       6    This signal is sent when something has gone wrong
                   internally and the program should be aborted
                   immediately. The default action for this signal is to
                   kill the process. It is unrecommended that you catch
                   this signal.

SIGPRIV       7    This signal is sent to a process that attempts to
                   execute an instruction that may only be executed in
                   supervisor mode while in user mode. The default action
                   for this signal is to kill the process.

SIGFPE        8    This signal is sent when a division by 0 or
                   floating-point exception occurs. The default action for
                   this signal is to kill the process.

SIGKILL       9    This signal forcibly kills the process. There is no way
                   to catch or ignore this signal.

SIGBUS       10    This signal is sent when a 680x0 Bus Error Exception
                   occurs. The default action for this signal is to kill
                   the process.

SIGSEGV      11    This signal is sent when a 680x0 Address Error
                   Exception occurs. The default action for this signal is
                   to kill the process.

SIGSYS       12    This signal is sent when an argument to a system call
                   is bad or out of range and the call doesn't have a way
                   to report errors. For instance, Super(0L) will send this
                   signal when already in supervisor mode. The default
                   action for this signal is to kill the process.

SIGPIPE      13    This signal is sent when a pipe you were writing to has
                   no readers. The default action for this signal is to kill
                   the process.

SIGALRM      14    This signal is sent when an alarm sent by Talarm() is
                   triggered. The default action for this signal is to kill
                   the process.

SIGTERM      15    This signal indicates a 'polite' request for the process
                   to cleanup & exit. This signal is sent when a process is
                   dragged to the trashcan on the desktop. The default
                   action for this signal is to kill the process.

SIGURG       16    Urgent condition on I/O channel.

SIGSTOP      17    This signal is sent to a process to suspend it. It
                   cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored. This signal is
                   usually used by debuggers. This signal is not sent
                   from terminal.

SIGTSTP      18    This signal is sent when the user presses ctrl-z
                   requesting that the process suspend itself. The default
                   action for this signal is to suspend the process until
                   a SIGCONT signal is caught. This signal is sent from

SIGCONT      19    This signal is sent to restart a process stopped with
                   SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP. The default action for this signal
                   is to resume the process.

SIGCHLD      20    This signal is sent when a child process has exited or
                   has been suspended. As a default, this signal causes no

SIGTTIN      21    This signal is sent when a process attempts to read
                   from a terminal in a process group other than its own.
                   The default action is to suspend the process.

SIGTTOU      22    This signal is sent when a process attempts to write to
                   a terminal in a process group other than its own. The
                   default action is to suspend the process.

SIGIO        23    This signal is sent to indicate that I/O is possible on
                   a file descriptor. The default action for this signal is
                   to kill the process.

SIGXCPU      24    This signal is sent when the maximum CPU time allocated
                   to a process has been used. This signal will continue
                   to be sent to a process until it exits. The default
                   action for this signal is to kill the process.

SIGXFSZ      25    This signal is sent to a process when it attempts to
                   modify a file in a way that causes it to exceed the
                   processes' maximum file size limit. The default action
                   for this signal is to kill the process.

SIGVTALRM    26    This signal is sent to a process which has exceed its
                   maximum time limit. The default action for this signal
                   is to kill the process.

SIGPROF      27    This signal is sent to a process to indicate that its
                   profiling time has expired. The default action for this
                   signal is to kill the process.

SIGWINCH     28    This signal indicates that the size of the window in
                   which your process was running has changed. If the
                   process cares about window size it can use Fcntl() to
                   obtain the new size. The default action for this signal
                   is to do nothing.

SIGUSR1      29    This signal is one of two user-defined signals. The
                   default action for this signal is to kill the process.

SIGUSR2      30    This signal is one of two user-defined signals. The
                   default action for this signal is to kill the process.