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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Filev_opnvwk()
V_Opnvwk()                                                              VDI


WORD V_Opnvwk( dev )
VDI_Workstation dev;

Function      V_Opnvwk() is not a component of the VDI, rather an
              interface binding designed to simplify working with virtual
              screen workstations. It will open a virtual screen
              workstation with a VDI_Workstation structure as a parameter
              rather than work_in and work_out arrays.

Opcode        N/A

Availability  User-defined.

Parameters    dev is a pointer to a VDI_Workstation structure defined as
              follows (for the meaning of each structure member, refer to
              v_opnvwk() ):

              typedef struct
               WORD handle, dev_id;
               WORD wchar, hchar, wbox, hbox;
               WORD xres, yres;
               WORD noscale;
               WORD wpixel, hpixel;
               WORD cheights;
               WORD linetypes, linewidths;
               WORD markertypes, markersizes;
               WORD faces, patterns, hatches, colors;
               WORD ngdps;
               WORD cangdps[10];
               WORD gdpattr[10];
               WORD cancolor, cantextrot;
               WORD canfillarea, cancellarray;
               WORD palette;
               WORD locators, valuators;
               WORD choicedevs, stringdevs;
               WORD wstype;
               WORD minwchar, minhchar;
               WORD maxwchar, maxhchar;
               WORD minwline;
               WORD zero5;
               WORD maxwline;
               WORD zero7;
               WORD minwmark, minhmark;
               WORD maxwmark, maxhmark;
               WORD screentype;
               WORD bgcolors, textfx;
               WORD canscale;
               WORD planes, lut;
               WORD rops;
               WORD cancontourfill, textrot;
               WORD writemodes;
               WORD inputmodes;
               WORD textalign, inking, rubberbanding;
               WORD maxvertices, maxintin;
               WORD mousebuttons;
               WORD widestyles, widemodes;
               WORD reserved[38];
              } VDI_Workstation;

Binding       WORD
              V_Opnvwk( dev )
              VDI_Workstation dev;
               WORD i, in[11];

               in[0] = 1;
               dev->dev_id = in[0];
               for(i = 1;i < 10; in[i++] = 1);
               in[10] = 2;
               i = graf_handle( &dev->wchar,
                 &dev->hchar, &dev->wbox,
                 &dev->hbox );

               v_opnvwk( in, &i, &dev->xres );
               dev->handle = i;

                vq_extnd( i, 1, &dev->screentype );

               return (i);

Return Value  V_Opnvwk() returns 0 if non-successful or the workstation
              handle otherwise.

Comments      This function definition is adapted from an article which
              appeared in the 'Atari .RSC' developers newsletter
              (Nov '90 - Jan '91).

See Also      v_opnvwk(), V_Opnwk(), vq_extnd()

Group         VDI Workstation