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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
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@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-Filev_cellarray()
vq_cellarray()                                                          VDI


VOID vq_cellarray( handle, pxy, row_length, num_rows, elements, rows_used,
                   status, colarray )
WORD handle;
WORD *pxy;
WORD row_length, num_rows;
WORD *elements, *rows_used, *status, *colarray;

Function      vq_cellarray() returns the cell array definitions of
              specified pixels.

Opcode        27

Availability  Not supported by any known drivers.

Parameters    handle specifies a valid workstation handle. pxy points to
              an array of 4 WORDs which specify a VDI format rectangle.
              row_length specifies the length of each row in the color
              array. num_rows specifies the number of total rows in the
              color array. Upon return, the WORD pointed to by elements
              will indicate the number of array elements used per row. In
              addition, rows_used will be filled in with actual number of
              rows used by the color array and the WORD pointed to by
              status will be filled in with 0 if the operation was
              successful or 1 if at least one element could not be
              determined. Finally, the WORD array (with (num_rows *
              row_length) elements) pointed to by colarray will be filled
              in with the color index array stored one row at a time. On
              return colarray will actually contain (elements * rows_used)
              valid elements.

Binding       WORD i;

              contrl[0] = 27;
              contrl[1] = 2;

              contrl[3] = 0;
              contrl[6] = handle;
              contrl[7] = row_length;
              contrl[8] = num_rows;

              ptsin[0] = pxy[0];
              ptsin[1] = pxy[1];
              ptsin[2] = pxy[2];
              ptsin[3] = pxy[3];


              *el_used = contrl[9];
              *rows_used = contrl[10];
              *status = contrl[11];

              for(i = 0;i < contrl[4];i++)
               colarray[i] = intout[i];

Caveats       No driver types are required to utilize this function. It is
              therefore recommended that it be avoided unless your
              application is aware of the capabilities of the driver.

See Also      v_cellarray()

Group         VDI Inquire