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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
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@width      : 100
View Ref-Filevro_cpyfm()
vr_trnfm()                                                              VDI


VOID vr_trnfm( handle, src, dest )
WORD handle;
MFDB *src, *dest;

Function      vr_trnfm() transforms a memory block from device-independent
              to device-dependent and vice-versa.

Opcode        110

Availability  Supported by all drivers.

Parameters    handle specifies a valid workstation handle. src specifies
              the MFDB (as defined in vro_cpyfm() ) wheras dest specifies
              the MFDB of the destination.

Binding       contrl[0] = 110;
              contrl[1] =contrl[3] = 0;
              contrl[6] = handle;
              contrl[7] = (WORD)((LONG)src >> 16);
              contrl[8] = (WORD)src;
              contrl[9] = (WORD)((LONG)dest >> 16);
              contrl[10] = (WORD)dest;


Caveats       While vr_trnfm() will work for in-place transformations, this
              process can be time-consuming for large forms. This call will
              not translate between forms with multiple planes. For
              instance, you can not translate a 2 plane device-independent
              image to an 8-plane device-specific image.

Comments      To stay compatible with future hardware developments it is
              recommended that all images be initially either stored or
              manually translated to device-independent format and
              subsequently converted with this function to match the planar
              configuration of the device. When this call is used to
              transform forms with either 2 or 4 bit planes, color
              translation is performed on each pixel as follows:

                  Four-Plane Transformations               Two Plane

               Device    VDI     Device    VDI           Device    VDI

                0000      0       1000       9             00       0

                0001      2       1001      10             01       2

                0010      3       1010      11             10       3

                0011      6       1011      14             11       1

                0100      4       1100      12

                0101      7       1101      15

                0110      5       1110      13

                0111      8       1111       1

See Also      vro_cpyfm()

Group         VDI Raster