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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
@default    : 
@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                          The Line-A Variable Table

The Line-A opcode $A000 will return a pointer to an internal variable
table in D0 and A0. This table is used by the Line-A functions as a
parameter passing mechanism as opposed to using the stack or internal

Members of the Line-A variable table are accessed via offsets from the
base address. The function, location, and size of documented variables
are as follows:

Name         Offset    Size         Contents

RESERVED     -910       LONG        Reserved for future use.

CUR_FONT     -906       LONG        Pointer to the current font header.

RESERVED     -902       46 BYTEs    Reserved for future use.

M_POS_HX     -856       WORD        X Offset into the mouse form of the
                                    'hot spot'.

M_POS_HY     -854       WORD        Y Offset into the mouse form of the
                                    'hot spot'.

M_PLANES     -852       WORD        Writing mode for the mouse pointer
                                    (1 = VDI Mode, -1 = XOR Mode).
                                    Defaults to VDI mode.

M_CDB_BG     -850       WORD        Mouse pointer background color.

M_CDB_FG     -848       WORD        Mouse pointer foreground color.

MASK_FORM    -846       32 WORDs    Image and Mask for the mouse pointer.
                                    Data is stored in the following

                                             Line 0 Mask
                                             Line 0 Image
                                             Line 1 Mask
                                             Line 1 Image

INQ_TAB      -782       45 WORDs    This area contains 45 WORDs of
                                    information returned from a vq_extnd()
                                    of the physical screen workstation
                                    plus one extra reserved WORD.

DEV_TAB      -692       45 WORDs    This area contains the first 45 WORDs
                                    of information returned from
                                    a v_opnwk() of the physical screen
                                    workstation plus one extra reserved

GCURX        -602       WORD        Current mouse pointer X position.

GCURY        -600       WORD        Current mouse pointer Y position.

M_HID_CT     -598       WORD        Current mouse 'hide' count (number of
                                    times mouse has been hidden,
                                    0 = visible).

MOUSE_BT     -596       WORD        Bitmap of the current mouse button

REQ_COL      -594       48 WORDs    Contains 48 WORDs of RGB data for the
                                    first 16 VDI color registers as would
                                    be returned by vq_color().

SIZ_TAB      -498       15 WORDs    This table contains the final 12 WORDs
                                    of information returned from
                                    a v_opnwk() of the physical screen
                                    workstation plus 3 reserved WORDs.

RESERVED     -468       WORD        Reserved for future use.

RESERVED     -466       WORD        Reserved for future use.

CUR_WORK     -464       LONG        Pointer to the current VDI workstation
                                    attribute table.

DEF_FONT     -460       LONG        Pointer to the default font header.

FONT_RING    -456       4 LONGs     This area contains three pointers and
                                    a NULL. The first two pointers point
                                    to linked lists of system font
                                    headers. The third pointer points to
                                    the linked list of GDOS based fonts.

FONT_COUNT   -440       WORD       Total number of fonts pointed to by
                                   the FONT_RING pointers.

RESERVED     -438       90 BYTEs    Reserved for future use.

CUR_MS_STAT  -348       BYTE        Bitmap of mouse status since the last
                                    interrupt as follows:

                                         Bit  Meaning
                                          0   Left mouse status (0=up)
                                          1   Right mouse status (0=up)
                                          2   Reserved
                                          3   Reserved
                                          4   Reserved
                                          5   Mouse move flag (1=moved)
                                          6   Right mouse status flag
                                              (0=hasn't changed)
                                          7   Left mouse status flag
                                              (0=hasn't changed)

RESERVED     -347       BYTE        Reserved for future use.

V_HID_CNT    -346       WORD        Number of times the text cursor has
                                    been hidden (0 = visible).

CUR_X        -344       WORD        X position where mouse pointer will be

CUR_Y        -342       WORD        Y position where mouse pointer will be

CUR_FLAG     -340       BYTE        Mouse redraw flag (if non-zero, mouse
                                    pointer will be redrawn at the next
                                    vertical blank interrupt).

MOUSE_FLAG   -339       BYTE        Mouse interrupt flag (0=disable

RESERVED     -338       LONG        Reserved for future use.

V_SAV_XY     -334       2 WORDs     X and Y position of the text cursor as
                                    saved by the VT-52 emulator.

SAVE_LEN     -330       WORD        Height of the form saved in SAVE_AREA
                                    in pixels.

SAVE_ADDR    -328       LONG        Address of the first WORD of screen
                                    data contained in SAVE_AREA.

SAVE_STAT    -324       WORD        Save status flag as follows:

                                    Bit  Meaning
                                     0   Save buffer valid? (0=no)
                                     1   Width of save
                                         (0=16 bits, 1=32 bits)

SAVE_AREA    -322       256 BYTEs   Save buffer for the mouse pointer,

USER_TIM      -66       LONG        Pointer to a routine which occurs at
                                    each timer tick. (use vex_timv()
                                    instead). Routine ends by jumping to
                                    function pointed to by NEXT_TIM.

NEXT_TIM      -62       LONG        See above.

USER_BUT      -58       LONG        Pointer to a routine called each time
                                    a mouse button is pressed (use
                                    vex_butv() instead).

USER_CUR      -54       LONG        Pointer to a routine called each time
                                    the mouse needs to be rendered (use
                                    vex_curv() instead).

USER_MOT      -50       LONG        Pointer to routine called each time
                                    the mouse is moved (use vex_motv()

V_CEL_HT      -46       WORD        Current text cell height.

V_CEL_MX      -44       WORD        Number of text columns  - 1.

V_CEL_MY      -42       WORD        Number of text rows - 1.

V_CEL_WR      -40       WORD        Number of bytes between character

V_COL_BG      -38       WORD        Text background color.

V_COL_FG      -36       WORD        Text foreground color.

V_CUR_AD      -34       LONG        Text cursor physical address.

V_CUR_OF      -30       WORD        Offset (in bytes) from physical screen
                                    address to the top of the first text

V_CUR_XY      -28       2 WORDs     X and Y character position of the text

V_PERIOD      -24       BYTE        Current cursor blink rate.

V_CUR_CT      -23       BYTE        Countdown timer to next blink.

V_FNT_AD      -22       LONG        Pointer to system font data

V_FNT_ND      -18       WORD        Last ASCII character in font.

V_FNT_ST      -16       WORD        First ASCII character in font.

V_FNT_WD      -14       WORD        Width of the system font form in

V_REZ_HZ      -12       WORD        Horizontal pixel resolution.

V_OFF_AD      -10       LONG        Pointer to font offset table.

RESERVED       -6       WORD        Reserved for future use.

V_REZ_VT       -4       WORD        Vertical pixel resolution.

BYTES_LIN      -2       WORD        Bytes per screen line.

PLANES          0       WORD        Number of planes in the current

WIDTH           2       WORD        Width of the destination form in

CONTRL          4       LONG        Pointer to the CONTRL array.

INTIN           8       LONG        Pointer to the INTIN array.

PTSIN          12       LONG        Pointer to the PTSIN array.

INTOUT         16       LONG        Pointer to the INTOUT array.

PTSOUT         20       LONG        Pointer to the PTSOUT array.

COLBIT0        24       WORD        Color bit value used for plane 0.

COLBIT1        26       WORD        Color bit value used for plane 1.

COLBIT2        28       WORD        Color bit value used for plane 2.

COLBIT3        30       WORD        Color bit value used for plane 3.

LSTLIN         32       WORD        Last pixel draw flag (0=draw, 1=don't
                                    draw). Used to prevent the last pixel
                                    in a polyline segment drawn in XOR
                                    mode from overwriting the first pixel
                                    in the next line.

LNMASK         34       WORD        Line draw pattern mask.

WRMODE         36       WORD        VDI writing mode.

X1             38       WORD        X coordinate for point 1.

Y1             40       WORD        Y coordinate for point 1.

X2             42       WORD        X coordinate for point 2.

Y2             44       WORD        Y coordinate for point 2.

PATPTR         46       LONG        Fill-pattern pointer.

PATMSK         50       WORD        This value is AND'ed with the value in
                                    Y1 to give an index into the current
                                    fill pattern for the current line.

MFILL          52       WORD        Multiplane fill pattern flag (0=Mono).

CLIP           54       WORD        Clipping flag (0=disabled).

XMINCL         56       WORD        Left edge of clipping rectangle.

XMAXCL         58       WORD        Right edge of clipping rectangle.

YMINCL         60       WORD        Top edge of clipping rectangle.

YMAXCL         62       WORD        Bottom edge of clipping rectangle.

XDDA           64       WORD        Text scaling accumulator (set to $8000
                                    prior to blitting text).

DDAINC         66       WORD        Scaling increment. If SIZE1 is the
                                    actual point size and SIZE2 is the
                                    desired point size then to scale up

                                                    (SIZE2 - SIZE1)
                                    DDAINC = 256 * -----------------

                                    to scale down use:

                                    DDAINC = 256 * -------

SCALDIR        68       WORD        Text scaling direction (0=down, 1=up).

MONO           70       WORD        Monospaced font flag.

SOURCEX        72       WORD        X coordinate of character in font

SOURCEY        74       WORD        Y coordinate of character in font

DESTX          76       WORD        X position on screen to output
                                    character at.

DESTY          78       WORD        Y position on screen to output
                                    character at.

DELX           80       WORD        Width of the character to output.

DELY           82       WORD        Height of the character to output.

FBASE          84       LONG        Pointer to the font character image

FWIDTH         88       WORD        Width of the font form in bytes.

STYLE          90       WORD        Special effects flag bitmap as

                                         Bit  Meaning
                                          0   Thickening
                                          1   Lightening
                                          2   Skewing
                                          3   Underlining
                                              (not supported by Line-A)
                                          4   Outlining

LITEMASK       92       WORD        Mask to lighten text (usually $5555).

SKEWMASK       94       WORD        Mask to skew text (usually $5555).

WEIGHT         96       WORD        Width to thicken characters by.

ROFF           98       WORD        Offset above baseline used for

LOFF          100       WORD        Offset below baseline used for

SCALE         102       WORD        Text scaling flag (0=no scale).

CHUP          104       WORD        Character rotation angle in tenths of
                                    degrees (supported only in 90 degree

TEXTFG        106       WORD        Text foreground color.

SCRTCHP       108       LONG        Pointer to two contiguous scratch
                                    buffers used in creating text special

SCRPT2        112       WORD        Offset from first buffer to second
                                    (in bytes).

TEXTBG        114       WORD        Text background color.

COPYTRAN      116       WORD        Copy raster mode (0=Opaque,

SEEDABORT     118       LONG        Pointer to a routine called by the
                                    seedfill routine at each line. If not
                                    needed during a seed fill you should
                                    point it to a routine like the

                                         seedabort:  sub.l d0,d0