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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileCconin()
Cconrs()                                                             GEMDOS


VOID Cconrs( str )
char *str;

Function      Cconrs() reads a string from the standard input stream
              (GEMDOS handle 0) and echoes it to the standard output stream
              (GEMDOS handle 1).

Opcode        10 (0x0A)

Availability  All GEMDOS versions.

Parameters    str should be a character pointer large enough to hold the
              inputted string. On function entry, str[0] should be equal to
              the maximum number of characters to read.

Binding       pea      str
              move.w   #$0A,-(sp)
              trap     #1
              addq.l   #6,sp

Return Value  On return, the string buffer passed as a parameter will be
              filled in with the inputted characters. str[1] will contain
              the actual number of characters in the buffer. (char *)
              &str[2] is the pointer to the start of the actual string in
              memory. Cconrs() will not terminate unless ctrl-c is pressed,
              the buffer is full or either return or ctrl-j is pressed.

Caveats       GEMDOS versions below 0.15 echoes the input to the console
              even if output has been redirected elsewhere.

Comments      The string Cconrs() creates is not null-terminated. The
              following keys are processed by the function:

              Key     Translation

              return  End of input. Do not place RETURN in in buffer.

              ctrl-j  End of line. Do not place CTRL-J in buffer.

              ctrl-h  Kill last character.

              delete  Kill last character.

              ctrl-u  Echo input line and start over.

              ctrl-x  Kill input line and start over.

              ctrl-r  Echo input line and continue.

              ctrl-c  Exit program.

              When the input stream is redirected, Cconrs() returns 0 in
              str[1] when the end-of-file marker is reached.

See Also      Cconin(), Cconws()