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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
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View Ref-File
                           XCONTROL  Structures


A pointer to a CPX's CPXINFO structure must be returned by the cpx_init()
function ('Set Only' CPX's return NULL). The CPXINFO structure is filled
in with pointers to user functions as follows:

typedef struct
    WORD (*cpx_call)( GRECT * );
    VOID (*cpx_draw)( GRECT * );
    VOID (*cpx_wmove)( GRECT * );
    VOID (*cpx_timer)( WORD * );
    VOID (*cpx_key)( WORD, WORD, WORD * );
    VOID (*cpx_button)( MRETS *, WORD * );
    VOID (*cpx_m1)( MRETS *, WORD * );
    VOID (*cpx_m2)( MRETS *, WORD * );
    WORD (*cpx_hook)( WORD, WORD *, MRETS *, WORD *, WORD * );
    VOID (*cpx_close)( WORD );

Form CPX's use only cpx_call() and (optionally) cpx_close(). Event CPX's
use the remaining members. Members not being used should be set to NULL.


A pointer to the "XControl Parameter Block" is passed to the cpx_call()
function. This pointer should be copied to a static variable on entry so
that other functions may utilize its members. XCPB is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    WORD       handle;
    WORD       booting;
    WORD       version;
    WORD       SkipRshFix;
    VOID       *reserve1;
    VOID       *reserve2;
    VOID       (*rsh_fix)( WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, OBJECT *, TEDINFO *, char *,
               ICONBLK *, BITBLK *, LONG *, LONG *, LONG *, VOID * );
    VOID       (*rsh_obfix)( OBJECT *, WORD );
    WORD       (*Popup)( char *items[], WORD, WORD, WORD, GRECT *, GRECT * );
    VOID       (*Sl_size)( OBJECT *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD );
    VOID       (*Sl_x)( OBJECT *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, void (*)();
    VOID       (*Sl_y)( OBJECT *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, void (*)() );
    VOID       (*Sl_arrow)( OBJECT *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD,
               WORD *, WORD, void (*)() );
    VOID       (*Sl_dragx)( OBJECT *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD *,
               void (*)() );
    VOID       (*Sl_dragy)( OBJECT *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD *,
               void (*)() );
    WORD       (*Xform_do)( OBJECT *, WORD, WORD * );
    GRECT *    (*GetFirstRect)( GRECT * );
    GRECT *    (*GetNextRect)( VOID );
    VOID       (*Set_Evnt_Mask)( WORD, MOBLK *, MOBLK *, LONG );
    WORD       (*XGen_Alert)( WORD );
    WORD       (*CPX_Save)( VOID *, LONG );
    VOID *     (*Get_Buffer)( VOID );
    WORD       (*getcookie)( LONG, LONG * );
    WORD       Country_Code;
    VOID       (*MFsave)( WORD, MFORM * );

Almost all of XCPB's members are pointers to utility functions covered in
the XCONTROL Function Reference at the end of this chapter. The remaining
utilized members have the following meaning:

XCPB Member   Meaning

handle        This value contains the physical workstation handle returned
              by graf_handle() to the Control Panel for use in calling

booting       When XCONTROL is initializing as the result of a power-on,
              reset, or resolution change, it loads each CPX and calls its
              cpx_init() function with booting set to TRUE. At all other
              times, XCONTROL sets booting to FALSE.

SkipRshFix    When a CPX is first called after being loaded, its
              SkipRshFix flag is set to FALSE. The application should then
              use xcpb->rsh_fix() to fix its internal resource tree.
              xcpb->rsh_fix() sets the CPX's SkipRshFlag to TRUE so that
              the CPX can skip this step on subsequent calls.

Country_Code  This value indicates the country which this version of the
              Control Panel was compiled for as follows:

              Country_Code    Country

                    0         USA
                    1         Germany
                    2         France
                    3         United Kingdom
                    4         Spain
                    5         Italy
                    6         Sweden
                    7         Swiss (French)
                    8         Swiss (German)
                    9         Turkey
                   10         Finland
                   11         Norway
                   12         Denmark
                   13         Saudi Arabia
                   14         Holland