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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File
                        GEMDOS  Functions by Opcode

Dec   Hex     Function         Summary                                     Page

0     0x00    Pterm0()         Exit process with a return code of 0.       2.122

1     0x01    Cconin()         Fetch a character from the console device   2.41
                               and echo it.

2     0x02    Cconout()        Output a character to the console device    2.43
                               processing any special keys.

3     0x03    Cauxin()         Fetch character from the auxiliary device.  2.39

4     0x04    Cauxout()        Output a character to the auxiliary         2.41

5     0x05    Cprnout()        Output a character to the printer device.   2.47

6     0x06    Crawio()         Perform input and output on the console     2.49

7     0x07    Crawcin()        Output a character to the console device.   2.48

8     0x08    Cnecin()         Fetch a character from the console device.  2.46

9     0x09    Cconws()         Write a string to the console device.       2.45

10    0x0A    Cconrs()         Read a string from the console device.      2.44

11    0x0B    Cconis()         Determine if a character is waiting to be   2.42
                               received from the console device.

14    0x0E    Dsetdrv()        Set the default drive.                      2.62

16    0x10    Cconos()         Determine if a character may be sent to     2.43
                               the console device.

17    0x11    Cprnos()         Determine if a character may be sent to     2.46
                               the printer device.

18    0x12    Cauxis()         Determine if a character is waiting to be   2.39
                               received from the auxiliary device.

19    0x13    Cauxos()         Determine if a character may be sent to     2.40
                               the auxiliary device.

20    0x14    Maddalt()        Notify GEMDOS of additional memory.         2.97

25    0x19    Dgetdrv()        Return the default drive.                   2.56

26    0x1A    Fsetdta()        Set the address of the DTA.                 2.91

32    0x20    Super()          Modify user/supervisor status.              2.128

42    0x2A    Tgetdate()       Get the current date.                       2.132

43    0x2B    Tsetdate()       Set the current date.                       2.133

44    0x2C    Tgettime()       Get the current time.                       2.132

45    0x2D    Tsettime()       Set the current time.                       2.133

47    0x2F    Fgetdta()        Return a pointer to the DTA.                2.79

48    0x30    Sversion()       Obtain the current GEMDOS version.          2.129

49    0x31    Ptermres()       Exit process leaving some data intact.      2.123

54    0x36    Dfree()          Determine the free space on a drive.        2.54

57    0x39    Dcreate()        Create a directory.                         2.53

58    0x3A    Ddelete()        Delete a directory.                         2.54

59    0x3B    Dsetpath()       Set the default path.                       2.63

60    0x3C    Fcreate()        Create a file.                              2.74

61    0x3D    Fopen()          Open a file.                                2.84

62    0x3E    Fclose()         Close a file.                               2.66

63    0x3F    Fread()          Read binary data from a file.               2.87

64    0x40    Fwrite()         Write binary data to a file.                2.95

65    0x41    Fdelete()        Delete a file.                              2.76

66    0x42    Fseek()          Move a file pointer.                        2.89

67    0x43    Fattrib()        Get or set the attributes of a file.        2.64

68    0x44    Mxalloc()        Allocate memory with preference.            2.100

69    0x45    Fdup()           Duplicate a file handle.                    2.76

70    0x46    Fforce()         Redirect one handle to another.             2.77

71    0x47    Dgetpath()       Return the default path.                    2.57

72    0x48    Malloc()         Allocate memory.                            2.98

73    0x49    Mfree()          Free allocated memory.                      2.99

74    0x4A    Mshrink()        Shrink or expand a block of memory.         2.99

75    0x4B    Pexec()          Execute another process.                    2.103

76    0x4C    Pterm()          Exit process with the specified return      2.121

78    0x4E    Fsfirst()        Find a file with the specified mask.        2.92

79    0x4F    Fsnext()         Find subsequent files with the specified    2.93

86    0x56    Frename()        Rename a file or directory.                 2.89

87    0x57    Fdatime()        Get or set the time/date flags of a file.   2.75

92    0x5C    Flock()          Set or remove a file lock.                  2.82

255   0xFF    Syield()         Surrender the remaining portion of the      2.130
                               processes timeslice.

256   0x100   Fpipe()          Establish a communication pipeline between  2.86

260   0x104   Fcntl()          Perform a file-system specific file         2.67

261   0x105   Finstat()        Determine the input status of a file.       2.80

262   0x106   Foutstat()       Determine the output status of a file.      2.85

263   0x107   Fgetchar()       Get a character from a file.                2.79

264   0x108   Fputchar()       Output a character to a file.               2.86

265   0x109   Pwait()          Determine the exit code of a stopped or     2.125
                               terminated child process.

266   0x10A   Pnice()          Alter the process priority of the calling   2.111

267   0x10B   Pgetpid()        Obtain the process ID of the calling        2.107

268   0x10C   Pgetppid()       Obtain the process ID of the processes'     2.108

269   0x10D   Pgetpgrp()       Obtain the process group ID of the calling  2.107

270   0x10E   Psetpgrp()       Set the process group ID for the calling    2.115

271   0x10F   Pgetuid()        Obtain the user ID of the calling process.  2.108

272   0x110   Psetuid()        Set the user ID for the calling process.    2.116

273   0x111   Pkill()          Send a signal to one or more processes.     2.109

274   0x112   Psignal()        Determine the action to take when a signal  2.118
                               is received.

275   0x113   Pvfork()         Create a duplicate of the current process   2.124
                               which shares address and data space with
                               its parent.

276   0x114   Pgetgid()        Obtain the group ID of the calling          2.107

277   0x115   Psetgid()        Set the group ID of the calling process.    2.114

278   0x116   Psigblock()      Block selected signals from delivery.       2.118

279   0x117   Psigsetmask()    Specifies which signals should be blocked   2.121
                               and which should be received.

280   0x118   Pusrval()        Get or set the user-defined value           2.124
                               associated with a process.

281   0x119   Pdomain()        Get or set the processes execution domain.  2.102

282   0x11A   Psigreturn()     Clean up from a signal handler.             2.120

283   0x11B   Pfork()          Create a copy of the current process.       2.105

284   0x11C   Pwait3()         Determine the exit code of stopped or       2.126
                               terminated child processes.

285   0x11D   Fselect()        Enumerate file descriptors which are ready  2.90
                               for reading/writing.

286   0x11E   Prusage()        Return resource usage information on the    2.112
                               calling process.

287   0x11F   Psetlimit()      Read or modify resource usage limits for    2.114
                               a process.

288   0x120   Talarm()         Read or set an alarm for the current        2.131

289   0x121   Pause()          Suspend the process until a signal is       2.101

290   0x122   Sysconf()        Return information regarding current        2.130
                               capabilities and limitations of processes
                               running under MiNT.

291   0x123   Psigpending()    Determines which signals have been sent     2.120
                               but not yet received to the calling

292   0x124   Dpathconf()      Return information regarding limitations    2.59
                               and capabilities of a file system.

293   0x125   Pmsg()           Send or receive a message.                  2.109

294   0x126   Fmidipipe()      Change the file handles which refer to      2.83
                               MIDI input and output.

295   0x127   Prenice()        Alter the process priority of the           2.111
                               specified process.

296   0x128   Dopendir()       Open a directory.                           2.58

297   0x129   Dreaddir()       Read a directory entry.                     2.61

298   0x12A   Drewinddir()     Reset the directory pointer.                2.62

299   0x12B   Dclosedir()      Close a directory.                          2.50

300   0x12C   Fxattr()         Return extended attribute information for   2.95
                               a file.

301   0x12D   Flink()          Create a file link.                         2.81

302   0x12E   Fsymlink()       Establish a symbolic link to a file.        2.94

303   0x12F   Freadlink()      Determine the actual file to which a link   2.88

304   0x130   Dcntl()          Perform a file-system specific device       2.50

305   0x131   Fchown()         Modify the ownership of a file.             2.66

306   0x132   Fchmod()         Modify the access permission flags of       2.65
                               a file.

307   0x133   Pumask()         Determines the minimum file and/or          2.123
                               directory creation access permission

308   0x134   Psemaphore()     Create a semaphore.                         2.113

309   0x135   Dlock()          Lock or unlock a BIOS disk device.          2.57

310   0x136   Psigpause()      Suspends the process until a specified      2.119
                               signal (or signals) is received.

311   0x137   Psigaction()     Changes the way a signal is handled.        2.116

312   0x138   Pgeteuid()       Returns the effective user ID of the        2.106

313   0x139   Pgetegid()       Returns the effective group ID of the       2.106

314   0x13A   Pwaitpid()       Attempts to determine the exit code of      2.127
                               a particular process.

315   0x13B   Dgetcwd()        Returns the current GEMDOS working          2.56
                               directory for the process on the specified

316   0x13C   Salert()         Sends an alert to the alert pipe            2.128

317   0x13D   Tmalarm()        Reads/sets a process alarm for the current

318   0x13E   Psigintr()       Assign an interrupt to a signal

319   0x13F   Suptime()        Get systems' uptime and load averages

322   0x142   Dxreaddir()      Extended Dreaddir()

323   0x143   Pseteuid()       Set process' effective user id

324   0x144   Psetegid()       Set process' effective group id

325   0x145   Pgetauid()       Get process' audit id

326   0x146   Psetauid()       Set process' audit id

327   0x147   Pgetgroups()     Get process' supplementary group ids

328   0x148   Psetgroups()     Set process' supplementary group ids

329   0x149   Tsetitimer()     Set timer intervals

330   0x14A   Scookie()        Cookie Jar management (obsolete)

334   0x14E   Psetreuid()      Set process' real and/or effective user id

335   0x14F   Psetregid()      Set process' real and/or effective
                               group id

336   0x150   Sync()           Sync filesystems

337   0x151   Shutdown()       Shut the system down

338   0x152   Dreadlabel()     Read disk label

339   0x153   Dwritelabel()    Write disk label

340   0x154   Ssystem()         Control various system settings

341   0x155   Tgettimeofday()  Interrogate the high resolution system

342   0x156   Tsettimeofday()  Set the high resolution system clock

343   0x157   Tadjtime()       Adjust the clock (not implemented yet)

344   0x158   Pgetpriority()   Get process' priority

345   0x159   Psetpriority()   Set process' priority