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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File
                         XBIOS  Functions by Opcode

Dec   Hex    Function                    Summary                           Page

0     0x00   Initmous()                  Initialize the mouse handler.     4.73

1     0x01   Ssbrk()                     Reserve memory at the top of      4.102

2     0x02   Physbase()                  Return the address of the         4.85
                                         physical screen.

3     0x03   Logbase()                   Return the address of the         4.80
                                         logical screen.

4     0x04   Getrez()                    Return the current screen         4.68
                                         resolution code.

5     0x05   Setscreen() and             Set the current screen address    4.97
             VsetScreen()                and mode.                         4.108

6     0x06   Setpalette()                Set entries in the ST compatible  4.95

7     0x07   Setcolor()                  Set an entry in the ST            4.93
                                         compatible palette.

8     0x08   Floprd()                    Read a sector from a floppy       4.66

9     0x09   Flopwr()                    Write a sector to a floppy disk.  4.67

10    0x0A   Flopfmt()                   Format a sector on a floppy       4.63

11    0x0B   Dbmsg()                     Send a debugging message to the   4.28
                                         resident debugger.

12    0x0C   Midiws()                    Write a string to the MIDI port.  4.82

13    0x0D   Mfpint()                    Define an MFP interrupt.          4.81

14    0x0E   Iorec()                     Return the address of the system  4.75
                                         IOREC structure.

15    0x0F   Rsconf()                    Configure the currently mapped    4.89
                                         RS232 port.

16    0x10   Keytbl()                    Return the addresses of the       4.78
                                         current key mapping tables.

17    0x11   Random()                    Return a random number.           4.89

18    0x12   Protobt()                   Prototype a floppy boot sector.   4.86

19    0x13   Flopver()                   Verify a sector on a floppy       4.66

20    0x14   Scrdmp()                    Execute the built-in screen dump  4.91

21    0x15   Cursconf()                  Configure the TOS cursor.         4.27

22    0x16   Settime()                   Set the time of day and current   4.98

23    0x17   Gettime()                   Get the time of day and current   4.69

24    0x18   Bioskeys()                  Reset the keyboard mapping        4.24
                                         tables to default.

25    0x19   Ikbdws()                    Write a string to the             4.72
                                         intelligent keyboard controller.

26    0x1A   Jdisint()                   Disable an MFP interrupt.         4.76

27    0x1B   Jenabint()                  Enable an MFP interrupt.          4.76

28    0x1C   Giaccess()                  Modify or set a register on the   4.70

29    0x1D   Offgibit()                  Toggle bits of the PSG Port       4.84
                                         A off.

30    0x1E   Ongibit()                   Toggle bits of the PSG Port       4.84
                                         A on.

31    0x1F   Xbtimer()                   Set an interrupt on the 68901.    4.113

32    0x20   Dosound()                   Start an interrupt driven sound   4.33

33    0x21   Setprt()                    Set or read the printer           4.96
                                         configuration bits.

34    0x22   Kbdvbase()                  Return the address of the         4.77
                                         current IKBD interrupt table.

35    0x23   Kbrate()                    Set or read the keyboard repeat   4.78

36    0x24   Prtblk()                    Print a block of memory using     4.87
                                         the built-in screen dump

37    0x25   Vsync()                     Hold the process until the next   4.110
                                         vertical blank.

38    0x26   Supexec()                   Execute a routine in supervisor   4.103

39    0x27   Puntaes()                   Discard the AES.                  4.88

41    0x29   Floprate()                  Set the floppy drive seek rates.  4.65

42    0x2A   DMAread()                   Read sectors from a DMA/SCSI      4.31

43    0x2B   DMAwrite()                  Write sectors to a DMA/SCSI       4.32

44    0x2C   Bconmap()                   Modify the BIOS device mapping    4.23

46    0x2E   NVMaccess()                 Access non-volatile RAM.          4.83

47    0x2F   WakeTime()                  ST Book sleep function.

48    0x30   Metainit()                  Initialize MetaDOS.               4.80

64    0x40   Blitmode()                  Get or set the state of the       4.25
                                         BLiTTER chip.

80    0x50   EsetShift()                 Set the TT030 shift mode          4.61

81    0x51   EgetShift()                 Get the TT030 shift mode          4.57

82    0x52   EsetBank()                  Set the current TT030 color       4.58

83    0x53   EsetColor()                 Get or set a color in the TT030   4.59

84    0x54   EsetPalette()               Set the TT030 palette.            4.60

85    0x55   EgetPalette()               Get the TT030 palette.            4.56

86    0x56   EsetGray()                  Set the TT030 gray mode           4.60

87    0x57   EsetSmear()                 Set the TT030 smear mode          4.62

88    0x58   VsetMode()                  Set the Falcon030 video mode.     4.107

89    0x59   VgetMonitor()               Identify the kind of monitor      4.104
                                         attached to the Falcon030.

90    0x5A   VsetSync()                  Set the Falcon030 sync mode.      4.109

91    0x5B   VgetSize()                  Get the size of screen memory in  4.105

92    0x5C   VsetMask()                  Set the mask assigned to each     4.106
                                         true color plotted.

93    0x5D   VsetRGB()                   Set the Falcon030 palette using   4.108
                                         RGB data.

94    0x5E   VgetRGB()                   Get the Falcon030 palette using   4.104
                                         RGB data.

96    0x60   Dsp_DoBlock()               Transfer bytewise packed data     4.38
                                         to/from the DSP.

97    0x61   Dsp_BlkHandShake()          Handshakes bytewise packed data   4.35
                                         to/from the DSP.

98    0x62   Dsp_BlkUnpacked()           Transfers data stored in          4.36
                                         a longword array to/from the

99    0x63   Dsp_InStream()              Transfers data to the DSP via an  4.45
                                         interrupt handler.

100   0x64   Dsp_OutStream()             Transfers data from the DSP via   4.51
                                         an interrupt handler.

101   0x65   Dsp_IOStream()              Transfers data to/from the DSP    4.46
                                         via concurrent interrupt

102   0x66   Dsp_RemoveInterrupts()      Disable the generation of DSP     4.51

103   0x67   Dsp_GetWordSize()           Get the current size of a DSP     4.41

104   0x68   Dsp_Lock()                  Lock the DSP system.              4.48

105   0x69   Dsp_Unlock()                Unlock the DSP system.            4.55

106   0x6A   Dsp_Available()             Determines the amount of free X   4.34
                                         and Y memory available in the

107   0x6B   Dsp_Reserve()               Reserves a portion of DSP memory  4.53
                                         for a user program

108   0x6C   Dsp_LoadProg()              Loads a '.LOD' file from disk,    4.47
                                         transmits it to the DSP, and
                                         executes it.

109   0x6D   Dsp_ExecProg()              Transfers a DSP program in        4.39
                                         memory to the DSP and executes

110   0x6E   Dsp_ExecBoot()              Resets the DSP and loads a new    4.39
                                         bootstrap program into the first
                                         512 words of DSP memory.

111   0x6F   Dsp_LodToBinary()           Converts a '.LOD' file to binary  4.49

112   0x70   Dsp_TriggerHC()             Causes a host command set aside   4.55
                                         for DSP programs to execute.

113   0x71   Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility()  Requests a unique DSP ability     4.52

114   0x72   Dsp_GetProgAbility()        Returns the ability code for the  4.40
                                         program residing in DSP memory.

115   0x73   Dsp_FlushSubroutines()      Removes all DSP subroutines from  4.40

116   0x74   Dsp_LoadSubroutine()        Loads a DSP subroutine into       4.48

117   0x75   Dsp_InqSubrAbility()        Determines if a subroutine with   4.44
                                         the specified ability code is
                                         currently loaded into the DSP.

118   0x76   Dsp_RunSubroutine()         Begins execution of the           4.53
                                         specified subroutine.

119   0x77   Dsp_Hf0()                   Reads/writes bit #3 of the HSR.   4.41

120   0x78   Dsp_Hf1()                   Reads/writes bit #4 of the HSR.   4.42

121   0x79   Dsp_Hf2()                   Reads bit #5 of the HSR.          4.43

122   0x7A   Dsp_Hf3()                   Reads bit #6 of the HSR.          4.43

123   0x7B   Dsp_BlkWords()              Transfers an array of WORDs       4.37
                                         to/from the DSP.

124   0x7C   Dsp_BlkBytes()              Transfers an array of bytes       4.34
                                         to/from the DSP.

125   0x7D   Dsp_HStat()                 Returns the value of the DSP's    4.44
                                         ICR register.

126   0x7E   Dsp_SetVectors()            Defines interrupt handlers to be  4.54
                                         called when DSP data is ready to
                                         be sent or received.

127   0x7F   Dsp_MultBlocks()            Transmits multiple blocks         4.50
                                         to/from the DSP.

128   0x80   Locksnd()                   Lock the sound system.            4.79

129   0x81   Unlocksnd()                 Unlock the sound system.          4.103

130   0x82   Soundcmd()                  Execute a sound system specific   4.100

131   0x83   Setbuffer()                 Set the record and playback       4.92

132   0x84   Setmode()                   Set the playback/record mode.     4.94

133   0x85   Settracks()                 Set the playback/record tracks.   4.99

134   0x86   Setmontracks()              Set the track to be output over   4.95
                                         the speaker/headphone.

135   0x87   Setinterrupt()              Set the sound system interrupts.  4.93

136   0x88   Buffoper()                  Enable or disable                 4.25

137   0x89   Dsptristate()               Connect or disconnect the DSP     4.56
                                         from the connection matrix.

138   0x8A   Gpio()                      Read or write data over the       4.72
                                         general purpose pins on the DSP

139   0x8B   Devconnect()                Connect devices in the            4.29
                                         connection matrix.

140   0x8C   Sndstatus()                 Obtain the status of the sound    4.99

141   0x8D   Buffptr()                   Return the current position of    4.26
                                         the record or playback buffer

165   0xA5   WavePlay()                  Playback a DMA sample.            4.110