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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
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@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                          AES  Functions by Opcode

Dec   Hex    Function          Summary                                     Page

10    0x0A   appl_init()       Initializes a GEM application.              6.53

11    0x0B   appl_read()       Reads data from the message pipe.           6.54

12    0x0C   appl_write()      Writes data to the message pipe.            6.58

13    0x0D   appl_find()       Locates a system process.                   6.47

14    0x0E   appl_tplay()      Plays back recorded events.                 6.56

15    0x0F   appl_trecord()    Records keyboard and mouse events.          6.57

18    0x12   appl_search()     Enumerates system processes.                6.55

19    0x13   appl_exit()       Prepares a GEM application for              6.47

20    0x14   evnt_keybd()      Waits for a keyboard event.                 6.63

21    0x15   evnt_button()     Waits for a mouse button event.             6.61

22    0x16   evnt_mouse()      Waits for a mouse rectangle event.          6.70

23    0x17   evnt_mesag()      Waits for an application message.           6.64

24    0x18   evnt_timer()      Waits for a timer event.                    6.73

25    0x19   evnt_multi()      Waits for multiple events.                  6.71

26    0x1A   evnt_dclick()     Sets the mouse double-click rate.           6.62

30    0x1E   menu_bar()        Displays/removes a menu bar.                6.105

31    0x1F   menu_icheck()     Places a checkmark beside a menu item.      6.106

32    0x20   menu_ienable()    Enables/disables a menu item.               6.106

33    0x21   menu_tnormal()    Selects/deselects a menu item or title.     6.111

34    0x22   menu_text()       Changes menu item/title text.               6.111

35    0x23   menu_register()   Registers applications in the menu bar.     6.109

36    0x24   menu_popup()      Manages a floating popup menu.              6.108

37    0x25   menu_attach()     Attaches a sub-menu to a menu item.         6.103

38    0x26   menu_istart()     Defines the initial selection of            6.107
                               a sub-menu.

39    0x27   menu_settings()   Modifies popup menu settings.               6.110

40    0x28   objc_add()        Adds an object to an object tree.           6.115

41    0x29   objc_delete()     Deletes an object from an object tree.      6.116

42    0x2A   objc_draw()       Draws an object tree.                       6.117

43    0x2B   objc_find()       Locates an object based on screen           6.119

44    0x2C   objc_offset()     Determines the offset of child objects in   6.120
                               an object tree.

45    0x2D   objc_order()      Reorders objects within an object tree.     6.121

46    0x2E   objc_edit()       Manipulates an editable object.             6.118

47    0x2F   objc_change()     Changes the state of an object.             6.115

48    0x30   objc_sysvar()     Reads/modifies the system defaults for 3D   6.121

50    0x32   form_do()         Manages a user-defined form.                6.81

51    0x33   form_dial()       Reserves/releases screen space for forms.   6.80

52    0x34   form_alert()      Manages a generic alert.                    6.77

53    0x35   form_error()      Manages a generic error alert.              6.82

54    0x36   form_center()     Centers an object tree on screen.           6.79

55    0x37   form_keybd()      Provides a system-level editable field      6.83

56    0x38   form_button()     Provides a system-level button handler.     6.78

70    0x46   graf_rubberbox()  Controls the shrinking/enlarging of a box   6.97

71    0x47   graf_dragbox()    Controls the moving of a box outline.       6.91

72    0x48   graf_movebox()    Draws a moving box.                         6.96

73    0x49   graf_growbox()    Draws an expanding box.                     6.92

74    0x50   graf_shrinkbox()  Draws a shrinking box.                      6.98

75    0x51   graf_watchbox()   Selects/draws an object depending on the    6.100
                               position of the mouse.

76    0x52   graf_slidebox()   Controls a slider outline.                  6.99

77    0x53   graf_handle()     Obtains AES workstation attributes.         6.92

78    0x54   graf_mouse()      Defines the mouse form.                     6.94

79    0x55   graf_mkstate()    Provides information about the mouse        6.93

80    0x56   scrp_read()       Determines the system scrap directory.      6.135

81    0x57   scrp_write()      Sets the system scrap directory.            6.136

90    0x58   fsel_input()      Manages the file selector.                  6.88

91    0x59   fsel_exinput()    Manages the extended file selector.         6.87

100   0x64   wind_create()     Creates a window.                           6.150

101   0x65   wind_open()       Opens a window.                             6.158

102   0x66   wind_close()      Closes a window.                            6.150

103   0x67   wind_delete()     Deletes a window.                           6.152

104   0x68   wind_get()        Returns window attributes.                  6.153

105   0x69   wind_set()        Sets a window attribute.                    6.158

106   0x6A   wind_find()       Determines the window at given pixel        6.152

107   0x6B   wind_update()     Manages the window update semaphore.        6.161

108   0x6C   wind_calc()       Calculates window extents.                  6.149

109   0x6D   wind_new()        Removes all windows.                        6.157

110   0x6E   rsrc_load()       Loads a disk-based resource file.           6.128

111   0x6F   rsrc_free()       Releases a resource file from memory.       6.127

112   0x70   rsrc_gaddr()      Calculates the address of a resource        6.127

113   0x71   rsrc_saddr()      Sets the address of a resource element.     6.130

114   0x72   rsrc_obfix()      Changes the coordinates of an object from   6.129
                               character-based to pixel-based.

115   0x73   rsrc_rcfix()      Changes the coordinates of a resource file  6.130
                               from character-based to pixel-based.

120   0x78   shel_read()       Determine's the processes parent and        6.141
                               command tail.

121   0x79   shel_write()      Manages process loading and control.        6.142

122   0x7A   shel_get()        Copies data from the system's shell         6.140

123   0x7B   shel_put()        Stores data in the system's shell buffer.   6.141

124   0x7C   shel_find()       Searches the AES's path for a file.         6.139

125   0x7D   shel_envrn()      Searches the system environment string.     6.139

130   0x82   appl_getinfo()    Returns information about the AES.          6.48