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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
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View Ref-File
                          VDI  Functions by Opcode

  Opcode,    Function             Summary                                  Page
if required

N/A          vq_gdos()            Test for presence of GDOS.               7.92

-1, 6        v_set_app_buff()     Reserve bezier workspace.                7.77

1            v_opnwk()            Open physical workstation.               7.66

2            v_clswk()            Close a physical workstation.            7.35

3            v_clrwk()            Clears a specified workstation.          7.34

4            v_updwk()            Update workstation.                      7.78

5, 1         vq_chcells()         Return alpha screen size.                7.87

5, 2         v_exit_cur()         Exit text mode.                          7.46

5, 3         v_enter_cur()        Enter text mode.                         7.45

5, 4         v_curup()            Move text cursor up one row.             7.40

5, 5         v_curdown()          Move text cursor down one row.           7.37

5, 6         v_curright()         Move text cursor right one row.          7.38

5, 7         v_curleft()          Move text cursor up one row.             7.38

5, 8         v_curhome()          Home text cursor.                        7.37

5, 9         v_eeos()             Erase to end of screen.                  7.42

5, 10        v_eeol()             Erase to end of line.                    7.41

5, 11        vs_curaddress()      Position text cursor.                    7.126

5, 12        v_curtext()          Output text (alpha mode).                7.39

5, 13        v_rvon()             Reverse text on (alpha mode).            7.75

5, 14        v_rvoff()            Reverse text off (alpha mode).           7.75

5, 15        vq_curaddress()      Inquire text cursor location.            7.89

5, 16        vq_tabstatus()       Get availability of tablet.              7.95

5, 17        v_hardcopy()         Output screen to printer.                7.57

5, 18        v_dspcur()           Display text cursor.                     7.40

5, 19        v_rmcur()            Remove text cursor.                      7.74

5, 20        v_form_adv()         Advance printer page.                    7.48

5, 21        v_output_window()    Output window of page to printer.        7.68

5, 22        v_clear_disp_list()  Clear display list.                      7.34

5, 23        v_bit_image()        Render bit-image file.                   7.31

5, 24        vq_scan()            Return printer scan heights.             7.94

5, 25        v_alpha_text()       Output printer text (alpha mode).        7.23

5, 60        vs_palette()         Set color palette.                       7.127

5, 61        v_sound()            Outputs a tone puls.

5, 62        vs_mute()            Turns the sound generator on or off.

5, 81        vt_resolution()      Set tablet resolution.                   7.165

5, 82        vt_axis()            Set tablet axis resolution.              7.164

5, 83        vt_origin()          Set tablet origin.                       7.164

5, 84        vq_tdimensions()     Return tablet X and Y dimensions.        7.96

5, 85        vt_alignment()       Set tablet alignment.                    7.163

5, 91        vqp_films()          Return camera film types.                7.101

5, 92        vqp_state()          Return camera driver state.              7.101

5, 93        vsp_state()          Set camera driver state.                 7.145

5, 94        vsp_save()           Save camera driver state.                7.145

5, 95        vsp_message()        Supress camera screen messages.          7.144

5, 96        vqp_error()          Return camera error status.              7.100

5, 97∙∙This function is not documented recently.
      vsc_expose()         Controls film exposure for
                                  frame preview.

5, 98        v_meta_extents()     Specify metafile bounding box.           7.60

5, 99This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
       v_write_meta()       Write metafile item.                     7.79

5, 99, 0This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
    vm_pagesize()        Set metafile page size.                  7.85

5, 99, 1This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
    vm_coords()          Set metafile coordinate system.          7.83

5, 99,       v_bez_qual()         Set bezier quality.                      7.30
   32, 1This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.

5, 100       vm_filename()        Set metafile filename.                   7.84

5, 101       v_offset()           Moves the alpha mode image.

5, 102       v_fontinit()         Select a new system font.                7.48

5, 2000      v_pgcount()          Specify laser printer copies.            7.69

5∙∙This function is not documented recently.
, ∙∙This function is not documented recently.
      vsp_film()           Sets the film type and exposure time.

6            v_pline()            Draw a polyline.                         7.71

6, 13        v_bez()              Draw a bezier curve.                     7.26

7            v_pmarker()          Draw polymarkers.                        7.72

8            v_gtext()            Output graphic text.                     7.56

9            v_fillarea()         Draw a filled polygon.                   7.46

9, 13        v_bez_fill()         Draw a filled bezier curve.              7.27

10           v_cellarray()        Draw a cell array.                       7.32

11, 1        v_bar()              Draw a rectangle.                        7.25

11, 2        v_arc()              Draw an arc.                             7.24

11, 3        v_pieslice()         Draw a pieslice.                         7.70

11, 4        v_circle()           Draw a circle.                           7.33

11, 5        v_ellipse()          Draw an ellipse                          7.43

11, 6        v_ellarc()           Draw an elliptical arc.                  7.42

11, 7        v_ellpie()           Draw an elliptical pie segment.          7.44

11, 8        v_rbox()             Draw a rounded-rectangle.                7.72

11, 9        v_rfbox()            Draw a filled rounded-rectangle.         7.73

11, 10       v_justified()        Output justified text.                   7.58

11, 13This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
      v_bez_off()          Disable bezier drawing.                  7.28

11, 13This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
      v_bez_on()           Enable bezier drawing.                   7.29

12           vst_height()         Set graphic text height (in pixels).     7.153

13           vst_rotation()       Set graphic text rotation.               7.156

14           vs_color()           Set color palette index.                 7.126

15           vsl_type()           Set line type.                           7.135

16           vsl_width()          Set line width.                          7.137

17           vsl_color()          Set line color.                          7.134

18           vsm_type()           Set marker type.                         7.142

19           vsm_height()         Set marker height.                       7.139

20           vsm_color()          Set marker color.                        7.138

21           vst_font()           Set graphic text font.                   7.152

22           vst_color()          Set graphic text color.                  7.150

23           vsf_interior()       Set fill interior type.                  7.129

24           vsf_style()          Set fill style type.                     7.131

25           vsf_color()          Set fill color.                          7.129

26           vq_color()           Inquire palette index.                   7.88

27           vq_cellarray()       Inquire cell array.                      7.86

28This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vrq_locator()        Poll for mouse/keyboard input.           7.121

28This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vsm_locator()        Sample mouse/keyboard input.             7.140

29This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vrq_valuator()       Poll for 'valuator' input.               7.123

29This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vsm_valuator()       Sample 'valuator' input.                 7.143

30This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vrq_choice()         Poll for 'choice' input.                 7.121

30This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vsm_choice()         Sample input from 'choice' device.       7.138

31This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vrq_string()         Poll for keyboard string input.          7.122

31This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
          vsm_string()         Sample keyboard string input.            7.141

32           vswr_mode()          Set writing mode.                        7.162

33           vsin_mode()          Set input mode.                          7.133

35           vql_attributes()     Return line attributes.                  7.98

36           vqm_attributes()     Return marker attributes.                7.99

37           vqf_attributes()     Return fill area attributes.             7.96

38           vqt_attributes()     Return text attributes.                  7.104

39           vst_alignment()      Set graphic text alignment.              7.146

100          v_opnvwk()           Open virtual workstation.                7.61

101          v_clsvwk()           Close a virtual workstation.             7.35

102          vq_extnd()           Inquire workstation attributes.          7.89

103          v_contourfill()      Fill an irregularly shaped region.       7.36

104          vsf_perimeter()      Set fill perimeter visibility.           7.130

105          v_get_pixel()        Read screen pixel value.                 7.55

106          vst_effects()        Set graphic text effects.                7.150

107          vst_point()          Set graphic text height (by point).      7.155

108          vsl_ends()           Set line end style.                      7.134

109          vro_cpyfm()          Copy raster (opaque mode).               7.119

110          vr_trnfm()           Transform raster form.                   7.117

111          vsc_form()           Set mouse form.                          7.128

112          vsf_udpat()          Set user defined fill pattern            7.132

113          vsl_udsty()          Set user-defined line style.             7.136

114          vr_recfl()           Output filled rectangle.                 7.117

115          vqin_mode()          Return input mode for device.            7.97

116          vqt_extent()         Return graphic text extent.              7.107

117          vqt_width()          Return graphic character width.          7.115

118          vex_timv()           Install timer tick routine.              7.83

119          vst_load_fonts()     Load fonts from disk.                    7.154

120          vst_unload_fonts()   Unload fonts.                            7.160

121          vrt_cpyfm()          Copy raster (transparent mode).          7.124

122          v_show_c()           Show mouse cursor.                       7.77

123          v_hide_c()           Hide mouse cursor.                       7.57

124          vq_mouse()           Get mouse position and state.            7.93

125          vex_butv()           Install mouse button routine.            7.80

126          vex_motv()           Install mouse movement routine.          7.82

127          vex_curv()           Install mouse rendering routine.         7.81

128          vq_key_s()           Get shift key status.                    7.93

129          vs_clip()            Set clipping rectangle.                  7.125

130          vqt_name()           Return font name and index.              7.113

131          vqt_fontinfo()       Return font size information.            7.111

232          vqt_fontheader()     Copy the Speedo font header into a user  7.110
                                  defined buffer.

234          vqt_trackkern()      Inquire about current track kerning.     7.114

235          vqt_pairkern()       Inquire about current pair kerning.      7.115

236          vst_charmap()        Set ASCII/Speedo index interpretation    7.149

237          vst_kern()           Set kerning modes.                       7.154

239          v_getbitmap_info()   Return Speedo font bitmap extents.       7.53

240This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         vqt_f_extent()       Return outline text extent.              7.108

240This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         vqt_f_extent16()     Return 16-bit outline text extent.       7.109

241This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         v_ftext()            Output outlined text.                    7.49

241This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         v_ftext16()          Output 16-bit outlined text.             7.50

241This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         v_ftext_offset()     Output outlined text with individual     7.51
                                  character offsets.

241This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         v_ftext_offset16()   Output 16-bit outlined text with         7.52
                                  individual character offsets.

242          v_killoutline()      Free character outline (no longer used   7.59
                                  with SpeedoGDOS).

243          v_getoutline()       Return character outline.                7.54

244          vst_scratch()        Set outline scratch buffer.              7.157

245          vst_error()          Set GDOS error reporting mode.           7.151

246This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         vst_arbpt()          Set outline text point size.             7.147

246This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         vst_arbpt32()        Set outline text point size to a fix31   7.148

247          vqt_advance()        Return character advance vector.         7.102

247          vqt_advance32()      Return character advance vector as       7.103
                                  a fix31 value.

248          vqt_devinfo()        Return device information.               7.106

249          v_savecache()        Save bitmap cache to disk.               7.76

250          v_loadcache()        Load bitmap cache from disk.             7.59

251          v_flushcache()       Flush outline font cache.                7.47

252This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         vst_setsize()        Set outline text proportion.             7.158

252This function shares an opcode and sub-opcode.
         vst_setsize32()      Set outline text proportion to a fix31   7.159

253          vst_skew()           Set outline text skew factor.            7.160

254          vqt_get_table()      Return character mappings.               7.112

255          vqt_cachesize()      Return bitmap cache size                 7.105