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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
@default    : 
@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                             DSP Host Interface

Location(s)   SizeBYTE   Occupies one byte (8 bits).
WORD   Occupies one WORD (16 bits).
LONG   Occupies one longword (32 bits).
OW     Occupies the odd WORD of a LONG.
EW     Occupies the even WORD of a LONG.
OB     Occupies the odd BYTE of a WORD.
EB     Occupies the even BYTE of the WORD.
  MchnIf the box is shaded then address is available
for this computer.

        ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒
        | | | | | '------- Falcon030
        | | | | '--------- TT030
        | | | '----------- MEGA STe
        | | '------------- STe
        | '--------------- MEGA ST
        '----------------- ST
  TypeROM          Location is Read-Only Memory
RAM          Location is Read-Write Memory
I/O          Location is hardware-mapped
VME          Location addresses VME address space
N/A          Not applicable
RO           Read-only location
WO           Write-only location
RW           Read-write location
RSVD         Reserved
Unassigned   Either not assigned or undocumented
  Meaning                         (see Usage)

0x00FFA200    BYTE      ▒ I/O   Interrupt Control Register (DSP X:$FFE9)
                        ▒       as follows:  Bit #7 INIT - Setting this
                        ▒       bit forces initialization of the host
                        ▒       interface  Bits #6-5 DMA Mode Control as
                        ▒       follows:
                        ▒       Value      Meaning
                        ▒         00   Interrupt  Mode (DMA Off)
                        ▒         01   24bit  DMA Mode
                        ▒         10   16-bit DMA Mode
                        ▒         11   8-bit  DMA Mode
                        ▒       Bit #4-3 Host Flags 1 & 0 respectively
                        ▒       (HF1 & HF0)  Bit #2 Unused  Bits #1-0 Data
                        ▒       Transfer Mode as follows:
                        ▒       Value      Meaning in Interrupt Mode
                        ▒         00   No Interrupts
                        ▒         01   Enable Receiver Full Interrupts
                        ▒         10   Enable Transmitter Empty Interrupts
                        ▒         11   Enable Both Interrupts
                        ▒       Value    Meaning in DMA Mode
                        ▒         00  No DMA
                        ▒         01  DSP to Host Request
                        ▒         10  Host to DSP Request
0x00FFA201    BYTE      ▒ I/O   Command Vector Register (DSP X:$FFE9) as
                        ▒       follows:
0x00FFA202 BYTE ▒ I/O Interrupt Status Register (DSP X:$FFE8) as ▒ follows: 0x00FFA203 BYTE ▒ I/O Interrupt Vector Register (This register ▒ contains the 680x0 exception vector used ▒ for DSP exceptions) 0x00FFA204 BYTE ▒ I/O Unused 0x00FFA205 BYTE ▒ I/O DSP WORD High (DSP X:$FFEB) 0x00FFA206 BYTE ▒ I/O DSP WORD Middle (DSP X:$FFEB) 0x00FFA207 BYTE ▒ I/O DSP WORD Low (DSP X:$FFEB) ▒▒▒▒▒▒ 0x00FFA208 - N/A ▒▒▒▒▒▒ N/A Undefined 0x00FFF9FF ▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒