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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
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@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                      Mega ST Real Time Clock (RP5C15)

Location(s)   SizeBYTE   Occupies one byte (8 bits).
WORD   Occupies one WORD (16 bits).
LONG   Occupies one longword (32 bits).
OW     Occupies the odd WORD of a LONG.
EW     Occupies the even WORD of a LONG.
OB     Occupies the odd BYTE of a WORD.
EB     Occupies the even BYTE of the WORD.
  MchnIf the box is shaded then address is available
for this computer.

        ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒
        | | | | | '------- Falcon030
        | | | | '--------- TT030
        | | | '----------- MEGA STe
        | | '------------- STe
        | '--------------- MEGA ST
        '----------------- ST
  TypeROM          Location is Read-Only Memory
RAM          Location is Read-Write Memory
I/O          Location is hardware-mapped
VME          Location addresses VME address space
N/A          Not applicable
RO           Read-only location
WO           Write-only location
RW           Read-write location
RSVD         Reserved
Unassigned   Either not assigned or undocumented
  Meaning                         (see Usage)

0x00FFFC20    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Seconds-Ones (0-9)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Clock output frequency as follows:
                    ▒           Value       Meaning
                    ▒             0    Open-Collector "CLKOUT"
                    ▒             1    16384 Hz
                    ▒             2     1024 Hz
                    ▒             3      128 Hz
                    ▒             4       16 Hz
                    ▒             5        1 Hz
                    ▒             6     1/60 Hz
                    ▒             7    Open-Collector "CLKOUT"
0x00FFFC22    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Seconds-Tens (0-5)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Setting bit #0 will reset the
                    ▒                   seconds register to the 0 and,
                    ▒                   if the seconds register is
                    ▒                   currently between 30-59,
                    ▒                   increment the minutes register
0x00FFFC24    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Minutes-Ones (0-9)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Alarm Minutes-Ones (0-9)
0x00FFFC26    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Minutes-Tens (0-5)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Alarm Minutes-Tens (0-5)
0x00FFFC28    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Hour-Ones (0-9)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Alarm Hour-Ones (0-9)
0x00FFFC2A    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Hour-Tens (0-2), in 24 hour mode,
                    ▒                   otherwise (0-1) in 12 hour mode
                    ▒                   with Bit 1 being set for PM,
                    ▒                   cleared for AM
                    ▒           Bank 1: Alarm Hour-Tens (as in bank 0)
0x00FFFC2C    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Day of Week (0-6), 0 = Sunday
                    ▒           Bank 1: Alarm Day of Week (0-6), 0 = Sunday
0x00FFFC2E    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Date-Ones (0-9)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Alarm Date-Ones (0-9)
0x00FFFC30    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Date-Tens (0-3)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Alarm Date-Tens (0-3)
0x00FFFC32    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Month-Ones (0-9)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Not Used
0x00FFFC34    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Month-Tens (0-1)
                    ▒           Bank 1: If Bit #1 is set then
                    ▒                   clock is in 24 hour
0x00FFFC36    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Year-Ones (0-9) The value for Year
                    ▒                   represents the (Year - 1980)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Leap Year Register (0-3), 0 = Leap Year
0x00FFFC38    OB    ▒     I/O   Bank 0: Year-Tens (0-9)
                    ▒           Bank 1: Not Used
0x00FFFC3A    OB    ▒     I/O   Mode Register as follows:
0x00FFFC3C OB ▒ I/O Test Register (lower nibble must equal ▒ zero to show confirm proper functioning) 0x00FFFC3E OB ▒ I/O Reset Register as follows:
▒▒▒▒▒▒ 0x00FFFC40 - N/A ▒▒▒▒▒▒ I/O Undefined 0x00FFFFFF ▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒