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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
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@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                               Exception Errors

 Number of   Meaning

         2   BUS ERROR.

         3   ADDRESS ERROR. Processor attempted to access word or long
             word ized data on an odd address

         4   ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION. Processor fetched an instruction from
             ROM or RAM which was not a legal instruction

         5   ZERO DIVIDE. Processor was asked to perform a division by

         6   CHK INSTRUCTION. This is a legal instruction, if software
             uses this, it must install a handler.

         7   TRAPV INSTRUCTION. See Chk instruction.

         8   PRIVILEGE VIOLATION. CPU was in user mode, tried to execute
             a instruction that can only be performed in supervisor mode

         9   TRACE. If trace bit is set in the status register, the CPU
             will execute this exception after every instruction. Used to
             debug software.

        10   LINE 1010 EMULATOR. CPU read an instruction which has '1010'
             as its most significiant nibble. Used by TOS for low level
             graphics software routines

        11   LINE 1111 EMULATOR. CPU read an instruction which has '1111'
             as its most significiant nibble

        12   Unasigned, should be no occurrence.

        13   COPROCESSOR PROTOCOL VIOLATION. A read of the coprocessor has
             resulted an illegal value

        14   FORMAT ERROR. The format word passed to the coprocessor was

        15   UNINITIALIZED INTERRUPT. An interrupt was received that had
             not been reset

  16 -  23   Unasigned, should be no occurrence.

        24   SPURIOUS INTERRUPT. Bus error during interrupt processing

  25 -  31   AUTOVECTOR INTERRUPT. Numbers 4 and 2 are used, others should
             have no occurrence

  32 -  63   TRAP INSTRUCTION. CPU read instruction which is used to
             generate a software exception (such as the entry to GEMDOS,
             VDI, or AES)

  64 -  79   MFP INTERRUPTS.

  80 - 127   Reserved for Atari use.

 128 - 255   Unused.