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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : UTF-8
@lang       : en
@default    : 
@help       : %About
@options    : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width      : 100
View Ref-File
                         The Speedo Font Header

This section provides detailed information about the contents of the buffer
returned by the vqt_fontheader() call. First, here are some general notes
about the values you will be using:

  ∙ Character strings are only NULL terminated if they do not completely
    fill their assigned field.

  ∙ All integers are signed (unless otherwise noted) and in Big-Endian format
    (most significant byte first).

  ∙ Outline Resolution Units (ORUs) are the basic unit of measurement for
    Speedo characters. There are usually 1000 ORUs per Em square (width of
    the letter 'M') though you can check this value in the font header

  ∙ 6-byte Transformation Parameters consist of a WORD Y offset (expressed
    in ORUs) followed by a UWORD X-scaling factor (expressed in units of
    1/4096) and a similar UWORD Y-scaling factor (also expressed in units
    of 1/4096).

The following table details the information returned by the vqt_fontheader()
function call:

Off   Field           Meaning

  0   Format          An 8-byte character string consisting of "D1.0" CR
      Identifier      LF NULL NULL

  8   Font Size       A LONG specifying the size of the font file in

 12   Minimum Font    A LONG specifying the minimum size buffer required
      Buffer Size     to load the non-image data of the font.

 16   Minimum         A WORD specifying the minimum size buffer required
      Character       to hold the largest character in the font.
      Buffer Size

 18   Header Size     A WORD specifying the size of the font header.

 20   Font ID         A WORD containing the Bitstream font ID number.

 22   Font Version    A WORD containing the font revision number.

 24   Font Full Name  A 70-byte character string containing the full name
                      of the font.

 94   Manufacturing   A 10-byte character string containing the
      Date            manufacturing date of the font as DD Mon YY.

104   Character Set   A 66-byte character string containing the name of
      Name            the character set used for the font (ex: "Bitstream
                      International Character Set").

170   Vendor ID       A 2-byte character string identifying the
                      manufacturer of the font. This is usually the first
                      two characters in the font filename. Bitstream fonts
                      use 'BX'.

172   Character Set   A 2-byte character string identifying the character
      ID              set used for this font. This is usually the second 2
                      characters in the font filename. The Bitstream
                      International Character Set is '00'.

174   Copyright       A 78-byte character string containing the copyright
      Notice          notice for the font.

252   Number of       A WORD specifying the number of character indexes
      Character       available in the font's character set. This does not
      Indexes in      necessarily mean that every index is actually used.
      Character Set

254   Total Number    A WORD indicating the number of character indexes
      of Character    available in the font's character set in addition to
      Indexes in      any supplementary characters needed to create
      Font            compound characters.

256   Index of First  A WORD containing the first available character in
      Character       a font.

258   Number of       A WORD specifying the total number of kerning
      Kerning Tracks  tracks.

260   Number of       A WORD specifying the total number of kerning pairs.
      Kerning Pairs

262   Font Flags      Bit 0 of this BYTE is set to indicate extended mode.
                      Extended mode fonts require a higher quality of font
                      rendering (such as chess pieces). If Bit 0 is clear,
                      the font is in Compact mode (the default). Bits 1-7
                      are currently reserved.

263   Classification  A BYTE value whose bits indicate the font
      Flags           classification as follows:

                      Bit  Meaning
                       0   Italic
                       1   Monospace
                       2   Serif
                       3   Display
                      4-7  Reserved

264   Family          A BYTE indicating the family classification of the
      Classification  font as follows:

                      Value  Meaning
                        0    Don't Care
                        1    Serif
                        2    Sans Serif
                        3    Monospace
                        4    Script
                        5    Decorative

265   Font Form       A BYTE classifying the width and weight of
      Classification  characters in the font as follows:

                      Bits 0-3  Meaning
                        0-3     (Reserved)
                         4      Condensed
                         5      (Reserved for 3/4; condensed)
                         6      Semi-Condensed
                         7      (Reserved for 1/4; condensed)
                         8      Normal
                         9      (Reserved for 3/4; expanded)
                        10      Semi-Expanded
                        11      (Reserved for 1/4; expanded)
                        12      Expanded
                       13-15    (Reserved)

                      Bits 4-7  Meaning
                         0      (Reserved)
                         1      Thin
                         2      Ultralight
                         3      Extralight
                         4      Light
                         5      Book
                         6      Normal
                         7      Medium
                         8      Semibold
                         9      Demibold
                        10      Bold
                        11      Extrabold
                        12      Ultrabold
                        13      Heavy
                        14      Black
                        15      (Reserved)

266   Short Font      A 32-byte character string containing the
      Name            abbreviation of the name of the Postscript
                      compatible font.

298   Short Face      A 16-byte character string containing the
      Name            abbreviation of the typeface family name.

314   Font Form       A 14-byte character string containing the font form
                      classification (as above).

328   Italic Angle    A WORD indicating the number of 1/256 degrees that
                      characters are slanted clockwise.

330   ORUs per Em     A WORD indicating the number of Outline Resolution
                      Units (ORUs) per Em.

332   Width of Word   A WORD value which expresses the width of a 'word
      Space           space' (i.e. ASCII 32) in ORUs.

334   Width of Em     A WORD value which expresses the width of Em space
      Space           in ORUs (this is not always the same as the number
                      of ORUs in the letter 'M').

336   Width of En     A WORD value which expresses the width of En space
      Space           in ORUs. This is always half the width of Em space
                      (not the width of the letter 'N').

338   Width of Thin   A WORD value which expresses the width of 'thin
      Space           space' in ORUs. This is the width applied between
                      two words and is normally the same as 'word space'.

340   Width of        A WORD value which expresses the width of 'figure
      Figure Space    space' in ORUs. This is the width of tabular
                      characters in the font.

342   XMIN (Min X     A WORD indicating the minimum X coordinate used in
      coordinate in   the font.

344 YMIN (Min Y A WORD indicating the minimum Y coordinate used in coordinate in the font. font) 346 XMAX (Max X A WORD indicating the maximum X coordinate used in coordinate in the font. font) 348 YMAX (Max Y A WORD indicating the maximum Y coordinate used in coordinate in the font. font) 350 Underline A WORD value indicating the distance the center of Position an underline should be applied from the baseline of the font. 352 Underline A WORD value indicating the thickness an underline Thickness applied to this font should be (in ORUs). 354 Small Caps A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for small capitals. 360 Display A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for display Superiors superiors. 366 Footnote A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for footnote Superiors superiors. 372 Alpha A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for alpha Superiors superiors. 378 Chemical A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for chemical Inferiors inferiors. 384 Small A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for small Numerators numerators. 390 Small A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for small Denominators denominators. 396 Medium A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for medium Numerators numerators. 402 Medium A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for medium Denominators denominators. 408 Large A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for large Numerators numerators. 414 Large A 6-byte Transformation Parameter used for large Denominators denominators.